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[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 51 ~ Page 100)

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[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 51 ~ Page 100)



00:00 Page 51
look forward to : to fee pleased and excited about something that is going to happen have second thoughts
move someone along : if they move you along, they tell you to stop standing in a particular place and to go

02:32 Page 54
get the word out : you inform or let people or the public know about something.

02:52 Page 55
cut corners : you save time, money, or effort by not following the correct procedure or rules for doing something

03:16 Page 56
make a killing : you make a large profit very quickly and easily

03:46 Page 57
curl up : to arrange oneself in or as if in a ball or curl
crawl out : to exit place or thing on one's hands and knees
clog up : it becomes blocked so that little or nothing can pass through

05:36 Page 60
make it up : to do something good for someone you have upset

06:28 Page 62
throw something together : you make it quickly and not very carefully

07:14 Page 64
in a row : something that happens consecutively

08:14 Page 66
there is a catch : there is a certain condition
go along with : to agree with someone's opinion

09:01 Page 67
rule out : decide that something is not possible

09:50 Page 68
help oneself to : to serve oneself as much food or drink as one would like

10:36 Page 70
give someone credit : to give someone praise or recognition

10:57 Page 71
right on our heels : following someone very closely
cut through : to go straight through
trick into : to use a trick to make

11:57 Page 72
crash at : to sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this

12: 11 Page 73
draw us out : to pull someone or something (out of a place).

14:15 Page 77
set off a bomb : it makes it start working

14:43 Page 78
get the hang of it : you begin to understand or realize how to do it.

16:21 Page 81
single someone out : to choose someone for special attention
toss someone around : to throw someone from one position to another.

18:39 page 86
get in shape : become physically healthy
bulk up : to gain weight especially by becoming more muscular
down the road : in the future
out of shape : person is not physically fit

19:30 Page 88
a change of heart : a move to a different opinion or attitude

20:02 Page 89
keep your fingers crossed : to hope for luck or success in something
take a matter into my own hands : to do something oneself instead of waiting for other people to do something
hold someone back : to prevent someone from doing something

22:36 Page 93
in the bag : you are certain that you will get it or achieve it.

24:07 Page 96
take someone's side : to agree with or support one person or group
no match for : easily defeated

25:43 Page 99
cut someone from : to deny someone a position on a team
at one point or another : at one point in time or at another point in time

26:34 Page 100
have a bone to pick with : to want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done
