영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl) 20

The Witches (Page 91 ~ The End)

The Witches (Page 91 ~ The End) Bruno Jenkins Disappears yesterday morning I had found him kneeling on the flagstones of the hotel terrace with a magnifying-glass in his hand. flagstone [ flag-stohn ] : a flat stone slab, typically rectangular or square, used for paving. 어제 아침 나는 그가 손에 돋보기를 들고 호텔 테라스 판석 위에 무릎을 꿇고 앉아 있는 것을 보았다. Bruno shook himself clear and stared at her. shake himself : he was s..

The Witches (Page 01 ~ Page 90)

The Witches (Page 01 ~ Page 90) A Note about Witches She reckons on doing away with one child a week. reckon [ rek-uhn ] : to think or believe: 그녀는 일주일에 아이 한명을 없앨 생각이다. Then the witch stalks the wretched child like a hunter stalking a little bird in the forest. wretched [ rech-id ] : very unfortunate in condition or circumstances 그리고 나서 마녀는 숲에서 작은 새를 스토킹 하는 사냥꾼처럼 가련한 아이를 스토킹 한다. On the other han..

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 09 ~ The End)

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 09 ~ The End) Gobbled Up Nobody could make head or tail of the shouting. can't make heads or tails : This idiom means that you are unable to understand something (or someone) mainly because it is puzzling or unclear. 아무도 고함소리를 알아들을 수 없었다. What a sumptuous hotel this is! The decorations are superb! sumptuous [ suhmp-choo-uhs ] : splendid and expensive-lo..

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 01 ~ Chap 08)

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 01 ~ Chap 08) Mr Wonka Goes Too Far ‘These skyhooks,’ said Grandma Josephine. ‘I assume one end is hooked on to this contraption we’re riding in. Right?’ contraption [ kuhn-trap-shuhn ] : a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well '이 스카이훅들', 조세핀 할머니가 말했다. '한쪽 끝이 우리가 타고 있는 이 장치에 연결되어 있는 것 같군요. 맞죠?' ‘Nor do I,’ ..

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 14 ~ The End)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 14 ~ The End) Mr Willy Wonka The whole face, in fact, was alight with fun and laughter. alight [ uh-lahyt ] : If someone's eyes are alight or if their face is alight, the expression in their eyes or on their face shows that they are feeling a strong emotion such as excitement or happiness. 실제로, 얼굴 전체가 유쾌함과 웃음으로 빛났다. His voice was high and flutey. flutey [ ..

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 01 ~ Chap 13)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 01 ~ Chap 13) Here Comes Charlie in the winter, freezing cold draughts blew across the floor all night long, and it was awful. draught [ dræft ] : cold air that moves through a room and that you can feel 겨울에는 얼어붙을 듯한 찬 바람이 밤새 바닥을 가로질러 불어와서 끔찍했다. Mr Willy Wonka's Factory He has some really fantastic inventions up his sleeve, Mr Willy Wonka has! have/keep (s..

Matilda (Page 112 ~ The End )

Matilda (Page 112 ~ The End) Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. not do things by halves : to do something very eagerly and using a lot of care and effort 그것에서 벗어나고 싶다면 최선을 다해야 해. Go the whole hog. Go the whole hog : INFORMAL do something completely or thoroughly. 끝장 볼 때까지 하자. His plump flabby face had turned grey with fearful apprehension. ..

Matilda (Page 01 ~ Page 110)

Matilda (Page 01 ~ Page 110) The Reader of Books It's the way of the world. the way of the world : how things happen or how people behave. 그것이 세상의 이치이다. If I were a teacher I would cook up some real scorchers for the children of doting parents. cook up scorchers : in that case, it is describing the end-of-term reports; the speaker is saying that he/she would write some really severe, caustic or ..

Danny the Champion of the World (Page 88 ~ The End)

Danny the Champion of the World (Page 88 ~ The End) The Great Shooting Party ‘A bit whoozy,’ he said, and he dozed off almost immediately. whoozy [ woo-zee ] : INFORMAL unsteady, dizzy, or dazed. '조금 멍하구나' 그가 말했고 거의 즉시 잠이 들었다. The meat was pink and tender with no fat or gristle in it, gristle [ gris-uhl ] : a tough, rubbery substance found in meat, especially in meat of poor quality, 그 고기는 분홍색이었..

Danny the Champion of the World (Page 01 ~ Page 87)

Danny the Champion of the World (Page 01 ~ Page 87) The Filling-station We lived in an old gipsy caravan behind a filling-station. caravan [ kar-uh-van ] : BRITISH a vehicle equipped for living in, typically a trailer towed by a car and used when traveling for recreation. 우리는 주유소 뒤에 있는 오래된 집시 캐러밴에서 살았다. I think that all the love he had felt for my mother when she was alive he now lavished upon m..
