Danny the Champion of the World (Page 88 ~ The End)
The Great Shooting Party
‘A bit whoozy,’ he said, and he dozed off almost immediately.
whoozy [ woo-zee ] : INFORMAL
unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.
'조금 멍하구나' 그가 말했고 거의 즉시 잠이 들었다.
The meat was pink and tender with no fat or gristle in it,
gristle [ gris-uhl ] : a tough, rubbery substance found in meat, especially in meat of poor quality,
그 고기는 분홍색이었고 지방이나 물렁뼈 없이 부드러웠다,
He would brood a good deal, and there would be silences between us, especially at supper-time.
brood [ brood ] : to think silently for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry
그는 많은 생각을 했고 특히 저녁 식사 시간에 우리 사이에는 침묵이 흘렀다.
My father had got himself so worked up
worked up : upset or very excited about something
아버지는 너무 흥분해 있었다
The Sleeping Beauty
the pheasants would be starting to feel groggy… they’d be wobbling and trying to keep their balance
groggy [ grog-ee ] : dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow.
wobble [ wob-uhl ] : move unsteadily from side to side.
꿩들은 혼미함을 느끼기 시작할 것이다. 그들은 흔들리고 균형을 잡으려고 애쓸 것이다.
Thursday and School
‘Why does the skylark make its nest on the ground where the cows can trample it?’
skylark [ skahy-lahrk ] : 종달새 a small brown bird that sings while flying high above the ground
왜 종달새는 소들이 짓밟을 수 있는 땅에 둥지를 틀까요?'
‘That is a bullfrog calling to his wife. He does it by blowing out his dewlap and letting it go with a burp.’
dewlap [ doo-lap ] : a fold of loose skin hanging from the neck or throat of an animal, especially that present in many cattle.
'아내를 부르는 황소개구리야. 그는 목 밑 처진 살에 공기를 불어 넣은 다음 트림으로 풀어주며 소리를 낸다. '
She used to keep a bag of aniseed balls in the drawer of her desk,
aniseed [ an-is-seed ] balls : Aniseed balls are a comfit type of hard round sweet
그녀는 책상 서랍에 aniseed balls이 담긴 가방을 보관하곤 했다.
when she smiled at him he would smile back at her in the soppiest way you can imagine,
soppy [ sop-ee ] : showing or feeling too much of emotions such as love or sympathy
그녀가 그에게 미소를 지으면, 그는 당신이 상상할 수 있는 가장 큰 환한 미소로 화답했다.
we made a pact that we wouldn’t tell any of the other children about what we had seen.
pack [pæk] : an agreement, covenant, or compact
우리는 다른 아이들에게 우리가 본 것에 대해 말하지 않기로 약속했다.
we were both slogging away.
slog [ slog ] : to work hard and steadily at something, especially something that takes a long time and is boring or difficult.
우리는 둘 다 열심히 공부하고 있었다.
’ He was shouting at me as though I was a platoon of soldiers on the parade ground.
platoon [ pluh-toon ] : a military unit composed of two or more squads or sections
’ 그는 마치 내가 연병장에 있는 소대원이라도 되는 양 나에게 소리치고 있었다.
‘You are not only a cheat but you are insolent,’
insolent [ in-suh-luhnt ] : showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
'너는 사기꾼일 뿐만 아니라 건방지다.'
I’m going to beat the daylights out of him.’
beat the daylights out of someone : idiom informal (UK also knock the living daylights out of sb) to hit someone very hard, many times
그를 혼내줄 것이다.'
I knew at once that this was the day of days.
day of days : an especially significant day
나는 오늘이 그날이라는 것을 즉시 알았다.
when you nicked them with a razor-blade the skin sprang open
nick [ nik ] : If you nick something or nick yourself, you accidentally make a small cut in the surface of the object or your skin.
그리고 면도날로 그것들(물에 젖어 부풀어 오른 건포도)에 흠집을 내었을 때 건포도 속살이 튀어나왔다
It was my favourite thing of all, toad-in-the-hole,
toad-in-the-hole : BRITISH
a dish consisting of sausages baked in batter.
소시지에 튀김옷을 입혀 튀긴 영국 요리, 내가 가장 좋아하는 것이었다.
Into the Wood
I wouldn’t have swopped places with the King of Arabia at that moment.
swap [ swop ] : take part in an exchange of.
그 순간에는 아라비아 왕과도 자리를 바꾸지 않을 것이다.
There must have been at least two hundred huge birds strutting around among the tree-stumps.
strutting [ struht-ing ] : having a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait.
나무 그루터기 사이로 적어도 200마리의 거대한 새들이 활보하고 있었을 것이다.
His face was transfixed in ecstasy.
transfix [ trans-fiks ] : cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment.
그의 얼굴은 황홀경에 사로잡혀 있었다.
But my father was in a sort of poacher’s trance.
trance [ trans ] : A trance is a state of mind in which someone seems to be asleep and to have no conscious control over their thoughts or actions, but in which they can see and hear things and respond to commands given by other people.
하지만 아빠는 밀렵꾼의 무아지경에 빠져 있었다.
The Keeper
‘We pulled it off. Doesn’t that make you feel good?’
pull off : INFORMAL
succeed in achieving or winning something difficult.
'우리가 해냈다. 기분이 좋지 않니?'
saw a kestrel hawk hovering superbly in the darkening sky above the ploughed field across the track.
kestrel [ kes-truhl ] : 황조롱이(맷과의 새)
plow [ plou ] / ploughed / ploughed : turn up the earth of (an area of land) with a plow, especially before sowing.
트랙을 가로질러 경작한 들판 위 어두워지는 하늘에서 기막히게 맴도는 황조롱이 매를 보았다.
The others were brownish-yellow, like the seeds of a pomegranate.
pomegranate [ pom-gran-it ] : 석류 a round, thick-skinned fruit with a center full of large, juicy, edible seeds
다른 것들은 석류의 씨앗처럼 갈색을 띤 노란색이었다
‘Kindly do not molest us.’
molest [ muh-lest ] : DATED
pester or harass (someone) in an aggressive or persistent manner.
'제발 우리를 괴롭히지 마세요.'
‘You’re loiterin’,
loiter [ loi-ter ] : to hang around a place with no real purpose
'너는 어슬렁거리고 있다'
The Taxi
How about this for a haul?’
haul [ hawl ] : a quantity of something that was stolen or is possessed illegally.
이 많은 양 어때 ?
Charlie Kinch started chuckling and chortling so much he nearly drove off the track
chortle [ chawr-tl ] : laugh in a breathy, gleeful way; chuckle.
찰리 킨치씨는 너무 많이 웃는 바람에 거의 길을 벗어날 뻔했다.
‘The vicar is very fond of roasted pheasant for his dinner,’ my father said.
vicar [ vik-er ] : (in the Roman Catholic Church) a representative or deputy of a bishop.
목사님은 저녁 식사로 구운 꿩고기를 매우 좋아한다, '라고 아빠는 말했다.
The taxi turned left and swung in through the gates of the vicarage.
vicarage [ vik-er-ij ] : HISTORICAL
the benefice or living of a vicar.
택시는 좌회전하여 목사관의 문을 통해 들어왔다.
We used to build a fire outside the caravan and roast them on a spit, the way the gipsies do.’
spit [ spit ] : a spit is a long rod which is pushed through a piece of meat and hung over an open fire to cook the meat.
우리는 캐러밴 밖에 모닥불을 피워 집시처럼 꼬챙이에 구워먹곤 했다.'
He’s got one in there with so many dials and knobs on it, it looks like the cockpit of an airplane.’
cockpit [ kok-pit ] : the area where the pilots and crew sit to fly an airplane
그는 많은 다이얼과 손잡이가 달린 것을 가지고 있는데, 그것은 꼭 비행기 조종석처럼 보인다.'
Rockabye Baby
‘Of course. In a pram with the baby on top.’
pram [ pram ] : BRITISH
a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person on foot.
'물론. 유모차에 아기를 태우고 .'
It was impossible to be with him for long without being surprised and astounded by one thing or another.
one thing or another : to suggest that there are several reasons for something or several items on a list, but you are not going to explain or mention them all.
이런저런 일에 놀라지 않고 그와 오랫동안 함께 있는 것은 불가능 했다.
He was like a conjuror bringing things out of a hat.
conjuror [ˈkʌndʒərə(r)] : BRITISH
a performer of conjuring tricks; a magician.
그는 모자에서 물건을 꺼내는 마술사 같았다.
And in the silence that followed I fancied I could hear a baby screaming.
fancied [ fan-seed ] : imagined or believed to be true or real
그리고 이어지는 침묵 속에서 아기의 비명 소리가 들리는 것 같았다.
‘He’s having a fit,’ my father said.
have a fit : INFORMAL
be very shocked or angry.
"아기가 경련을 일으키고 있어요." 아버지가 말했다.
I noticed she was wearing white gloves on her hands, very prim and dainty.
prim [ prim ] : If you describe something as prim, you mean that it is very neat, tidy, or sensible.
dainty [ deyn-tee ] : If you describe a movement, person, or object as dainty, you mean that they are small, delicate, and pretty.
나는 그녀가 손에 하얀 장갑을 끼고 있는 것을 알아챘는데, 매우 깔끔하고 우아했다.
they came again and settled themselves like a swarm of locusts all over the filling-station.
locust [ loh-kuhst ] : 메뚜기
꿩들은 다시 내려 와서 메뚜기 떼처럼 주유소 곳곳에 자리를 잡았다.
Goodbye, Mr Hazell
‘You are scoundrels, both of you!’ shouted Mr Hazell. ‘You are rapscallions of the worst kind!’
scoundrel [ skoun-druhl ] : a dishonest or unscrupulous person; a rogue.
rapscallion [ rap-skal-yuhn ] : a person who causes trouble
'너희 둘 다 악당이야!' 하젤 씨가 외쳤다. '당신들은 악질의 부랑배들이다!'
the Rolls was literally festooned with pheasants,
festoon [ fe-stoon ] : adorn (a place) with ribbons, garlands, or other decorations.
롤스는 말 그대로 꿩들로 장식되어 있었고,
Doc Spencer's Surprise
‘He’ll go a long way,
go a long way : (idiomatic) To achieve considerable success
'그는 상당한 성공을 거둘 것이다.
‘What a gathering we have here of rogues and varmints!
rogue [ rohg ] : a dishonest or unprincipled person.
varmint [ vahr-muhnt ] : an irritating or obnoxious person or animal
'도둑들의 모임이라니!
My Father
‘Pheasants are more in my line.
be in my line : To conform, adhere to, or agree with that which is established or generally accepted, such as rules, beliefs, modes of behavior, etc
꿩은 내가 잘 안다.
읽는 동안 아슬아슬 긴장감에 흥미진진 했습니다.
Danny the Champion of the World 영어원서 추천 합니다 !
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