영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

Matilda (Page 01 ~ Page 110)

영어꾸러기 2023. 3. 10. 11:53

Matilda (Page 01 ~ Page 110)


Matilda by Roald Dahl

The Reader of Books 


It's the way of the world.

the way of the world : how things happen or how people behave.


그것이 세상의 이치이다.

If I were a teacher I would cook up some real scorchers for the children of doting parents.

cook up scorchers : in that case, it is describing the end-of-term reports; the speaker is saying that he/she would write some really severe, caustic or withering end-of-term reports for the chidren of doting parents!
(from wordreference.com)
doting : extremely and uncritically fond of someone; adoring.


만약 내가 선생님이라면 애지중지하는 부모님의 아이들을 위해 신랄한 학기말 보고서를 쓸 것이다.

'Your son Maximilian,' 'is a total wash-out.'

washout : a complete failure


'당신의 아들 막시밀리안은' '탈락자입니다.'

If I were feeling lyrical that day,

lyrical (ˈlɪrɪkəl) : expressing beauty and strong emotion


그날 내가 서정적인 느낌을 받았다면,

The periodical cicada spends six years as a grub underground,

periodical cicada [ si-key-duh, -kah- ] : any of a group of sound-producing insects
grub : the thick-bodied, sluggish larva of several insects


주기매미는 땅속에서 땅벌레로 6년을 보내고,

we are still waiting for him to emerge from the chrysalis.'

chrysalis [ kris-uh-lis ] : a pupa of a butterfly


우리는 아직도 그가 번데기에서 나오기를 기다리고 있다.'

It is bad enough when parents treat ordinary children as though they were scabs and bunions,

scabs : a hard, dry covering that forms over the surface of a wound
bunions [ buhn-yuhn ] : a bump on the side of the big toe


부모가 평범한 아이들을 딱지나 발의질병처럼 대하는 건 너무나 나쁘다.

Her mind was so nimble

nimble [ nim-buhl ] : quick and light in movement or action; agile


마틸다는 매우 총명했고,

her ability should have been obvious even to the most half-witted of parents.

half-witted [ haf-wit-id] : foolish or stupid.


그녀의 능력은 가장 어설픈 부모들이라도 눈치챘어야 했다.

but Mr and Mrs Wormwood were both so gormless

gormless [ gawrm-lis ] : lacking intelligence : stupid


하지만 웜우드 부부는 둘 다 너무 무감각했다.

small girls should be seen and not heard.

children should be seen and not heard : said to emphasize that you think children should behave well and be quiet


어린 여자애들은 말 잘 듣고, 조용해야 한다

She naturally began hankering after books.

hanker [ hang-ker ] : to have a strong or persistent desire : yearn. often used with for or after.


그녀는(마틸다) 자연스럽게 책을 갈망하기 시작했다.

had learnt all the recipes by heart,

by heart : Completely; by memory.


모든 요리법을 외우고,

Mrs Phelps, slightly taken aback at the arrival of such a tiny girl unaccompanied by a parent,

take someone aback : shock or surprise someone.


펠프스 부인은 부모님을 동반하지 않고 (도서관에) 도착한 작은 소녀에  약간 당황했다.

Matilda and Mrs Phelps at the libray

It was a formidable list and by now Mrs Phelps was filled with wonder and excitement,

formidable [ fawr-mi-duh-buhl, fawr-mid-uh-buhl ] : very impressive or difficult to deal with.


그것은 만만치 않은 목록이었고, 펠프스 부인은 놀라움과 흥분으로 가득 차 있었다,

Occasionally she made Bovril or Ovaltine.

Bovril : a type of thick dark-brown substance made from cow's meat, sold in the UK. It is used to make hot drinks or added to food when cooking.

Ovaltine : ​a hot drink made from a sweet brown powder mixed with water and milk



때때로 마틸다는 Bovril 또는 Ovaltine을 만들기도 했다.

Mr Wormwood, the Great Car Dealer

She also knew that he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly.

egg someone on : to urge or encourage (someone) to do something that is usually foolish or dangerous.


아빠가 자랑하기를 좋아한다는 것을 알고 있었기에 마틸다는 능청스럽게 아빠를 부추길 것이었다.

'Customers are there to be diddled.'

diddle [ did-l ] : INFORMAL
cheat or swindle (someone) so as to deprive them of something.


'고객들은 속이기 위해 있는 거다.'

'it's impossible to tamper with it.'

tamper [ tam-per ] : to touch or make changes to something that you should not


'그것을 조작하는 것은 불가능하다.'

'It's made me a mint.'

someone makes a mint : they make a very large amount of money. [informal]


'그것으로 하여금 나는 많은 돈을 벌었다.'

'the Archbishop of Canterbury or something, preaching to me about honesty?

archbishop [ ahrch-bish-uhp ] : the chief bishop responsible for an archdiocese.


'캔터베리의 대주교나 뭐 그런 거라도 돼? 나에게 정직함에 설교 한다고?

who hasn't the foggiest idea what you're talking about!'

not have the foggiest : used to say that a person has no knowledge about something.


너는 무슨 말을 하는지 전혀 몰라!

the American soap-opera on the screen.

soap-opera : a typically long-running radio or television serial,


화면 속의 미국 연속극.

A small victory or two would help her to tolerate their idiocies.

idiocy [ id-ee-uh-see ] : extremely stupid or foolish


한두 번의 작은 승리는 그녀가 그들의 어리석음을 용인하는 데 도움이 될 것이다.

Even so, she was determined to have a go.

have a go : to try to do something.


그래도 그녀는 해보기로 결심했다.

The Hat and the Superglue

He thought it gave him a rakish daring look

rakish [ rey-kish ] : A rakish person or appearance is stylish in a confident, bold way.


아빠는 그것이 그에게 멋짐 가득하고 대담한 표정을 준다고 생각했다.

he wore it at an angle with his loud checked jacket and green tie.

at an angle : not horizontal or vertical, but sloping in one direction


그는 큰 체크 재킷과 녹색 넥타이와 함께 비스듬히 모자를 썼다.

she watched her skinny little husband skulking around the bedroom

skulk : to move stealthily so as to avoid notice


그녀는 그녀의 마른 남편이 침실 주위를 살금살금 걸어 다니는 것을 보았다

She watched her husband skulking around the bedroom.

The Ghost

The experience had clearly chastened Mr Wormwood

chasten [ chey-suhn ] : to make someone aware of failure or of having done something wrong


그 경험은 웜우드씨를 분명히 질책했다.

The only sensible thing to do when you are attacked is, as Napoleon once said, to counter-attack.

counter-attack [káuntərətæ̀k] : an attack made in response to or in defense against an attack made by another


당신이 공격을 받았을 때 할 수 있는 유일한 합리적인 행동은 나폴레옹이 말한 것처럼 반격하는 것이다.

brandishing her knife. 'Stick 'em up!' she yelled.

Stick them up : used to tell someone to raise his or her hands especially when pointing a gun at him or her.


나이프를 휘두르며. '손들어!' 그녀는 소리쳤다.

brandishing her knife,'Stick them up!'


however asinine the orders might be.

asinine [ as-uh-nahyn ] : extremely stupid or foolish.


명령이 아무리 형편없어도.

her safety-valve, the thing that prevented her from going round the bend,

going round the bend : to go insane or become crazy
(from Hinative.com)


그녀의 안전장치, 화 나는 것을 막을 수 있는

another of my nifty little tricks to diddle the customer.

nifty [ nif-tee ] : INFORMAL
particularly good, skillful, or effective.


고객을 속이기 위한 또 다른 효과적인 작은 속임수.

The Platinum-Blond Man

as a female tightrope-walker's tights in a circus.

tightrope-walker : a person who walks along a tightrope (= a tightly stretched wire or rope fixed high above the ground)


서커스에서 여자 줄타기 곡예사의 스타킹처럼.

This hair and scalp massage was always accompanied by loud masculine grunts and heavy breathing

masculine [ mas-kyuh-lin ] : considered to be characteristic of men : marked by or having qualities, features, etc


이 모발 및 두피 마사지는 항상 남자들의 끙 앓는 소리와 거친 호흡을 동반했다

hair and scalp massage

devouring hunks of bread smothered with a mixture of peanut butter and strawberry jam

devour [ dih-vou-uhr, -vou-er ] : eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.
hunk : a large piece of something, especially food, cut or broken off a larger piece.
smother [ˈsmʌðə(r)] : (of food) cooked in a covered container.


땅콩버터와 딸기 잼을 바른 빵 덩어리를 허겁지겁 삼키며,

I've got a few little beauties I'm going to flog to the idiots this morning.

sell or offer for sale.

오늘 아침 어리석은 고객들에게 팔 몇대의 중고차들이 있어. 

to flog meaning ( from Hinative.com )

She wouldn't trust herself to keep a straight face.

a straight face : a blank or serious facial expression, especially when trying not to laugh.


아무렇지 않은 듯 진지한 표정을 유지할 자신이 없었다.

Mr Wormwood's fine crop of black hair was now a dirty silver,

crop of dark hair/blonde curls etc : hair that is short, thick, and attractive


웜우드씨의 짧고 멋있는 검은 머리는 이제 더러운 은색이 되었다,

It's what they put down the lavatory to disinfect the pan,

lavatory pan : the part inside a lavatory containing water and fitted with a water-flushing device
disinfect [ dis-in-fekt ] : clean (something), especially with a chemical, in order to destroy bacteria.


그것은 변기를 소독할 때 사용하는 것이다.

Miss Honey

Miss Trunchbull, the Headmistress, was something else altogether.

altogether [ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)] : “completely,” “all things considered,” or “on the whole.”


트런치불 교장 선생님은 전혀 다른 사람이었다.

if you met an enraged rhinoceros out in the bush

enrage [ en-reyj ]: very angry; furious.


덤불 속에서 성난 코뿔소를 만났다면,

This woman, in all her eccentricities and in her appearance, is almost impossible to describe,

eccentricity [ ek-suhn-tris-i-tee ] : the quality of being eccentric.


이 여자는, 그녀의 모든 기괴함과 외모에서, 거의 묘사하기가 불가능하다,

she can liquidize you like a carrot in a kitchen blender.

liquidize [ lik-wi-dahyz ] : to change food into a thick liquid using a blender


그녀는 부엌 믹서기를 사용하여 당근을 액체로 만들 듯 너를 그렇게 만들 수 있다.

or indeed a ten-year-old, who could multiply with such facility.

facility [ fuh-sil-i-tee ] : an ability to do or learn something well and easily; a natural aptitude.


혹은 실제로 배워서 곱셈을 할 수 있는 10살짜리 아이.

words like child-genius and prodigy went flitting through her head.

prodigy [ prod-i-jee ] : someone with a very great ability that usually shows itself when that person is a young child


천재, 신동 같은 말이 그녀의 머릿속을 스쳐 지나갔다.

An epicure dining at Crewe

epicure [ ep-i-kyoor ] : a person who enjoys high quality food and drink


크루에서의 미식가 식사

'It's called a limerick,' Matilda said.

limerick [ lim-er-ik ] : a five-line poem that is often humorous.


"그건 리머릭이라고 해요." 마틸다가 말했다.

The Trunchbull

she felt ready to take on anybody.

take on : If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are.


그녀는 누구든 상대할 준비가 되어 있다고 느꼈다.

in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs.

sinewy [ sin-yoo-ee ] : with strong muscles and little fat


힘센 손목과 힘센 다리에.

she had an obstinate chin

obstinate [ ob-stuh-nit ] : stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.


그녀는 완고한 턱을 가지고 있었다

The massive thighs which emerged from out of the smock were encased in a pair of extraordinary breeches,

smock : A smock is a loose garment, rather like a long blouse , usually worn by women.
encase : to cover or surround something or someone completely
breeches [ brich-iz, bree-chiz ] : trousers that do not cover the whole of the leg


긴 블라우스 밖으로 튀어나온 거대한 허벅지는 기이한 반바지에 싸여 있었다.

The Trunchbull

You're looking very flushed and flustered this morning.

flustered [ fluhs-terd ] : agitated or confused.


당신은 오늘 아침 얼굴도 붉어지고, 당황한 것처럼 보여요.

a real pillar of our society

pillar [ pil-er ] : a person or thing regarded as reliably providing essential support for something.


우리 사회에 필요한 사람

I'll be bound.

I'll be bound. : British, old-fashioned. used to stress that one is sure of something.


난 정말 확신해.

She's barmy as a bedbug.

barmy [ bahr-mee ] : INFORMAL•BRITISH
mad; crazy.
crazy as a bedbug : If you describe someone as crazy as a bedbug, you mean that their behaviour is very strange or silly.


그녀가 이상하다.

I suppose she set fire to your skirt and scorched your knickers!

knickers [ nik-erz ] : BRITISH
short underpants worn by women or girls.


그녀가 너의 치마에 불을 붙이고, 속옷을 태웠다고 생각한다.

What piffle is this you are talking, madam?

piffle [ pif-uhl ] : INFORMAL


무슨 말도 안되는 말을 하는 거지, 부인?

I'm not having a little five-year-old brigand sitting

brigand [ brig-uhnd ] : a member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains.


5살짜리 꼬마 강도를 앉힐 순 없어

The Parents

where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen.

rapturously [ rap-cher-uhs ] : in a way that shows extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement


커다란 백금빛 금발의 여성이 TV 화면을 열정적으로 응시하고 있던 곳

I'm not in favour of blue-stocking girls.

bluestocking : a term for an educated, intellectual woman


나는 교육 받은 지적인 소녀들을 선호하지 않아요.

casting a look of such simpering sloppiness at his wife

simper [ sim-per ] : to smile in a silly or annoying way
sloppiness /ˈsläpēnəs/ : the quality of being silly or too emotional


아내에게 그렇게 우스꽝스러운 멍청한 표정을 짓고

Matilda's parents

Throwing the Hammer

with dark hair that was cut in a fringe across her forehead.

fringe : Bangs (North American English), or a fringe (British English), are strands or locks of hair that fall over the scalp's front hairline to cover the forehead, usually just above the eyebrows, though can range to various lengths.


앞머리를 내린 검은 머리

I was off my rocker when she let me out.

off your rocker : If you say that someone is off their rocker, you mean that that person is behaving in a very strange or silly way.


그녀가 나를 풀어줬을 때 나는 제정신이 아니었다.

it was guaranteed to raise welts the size of walnuts on your skin.

welt : a usually large bump or red area that appears on your skin because of injury or illness.


그것은 당신의 피부에 호두 크기의 부풀임을 보장한다.

her mother has plaited it into pigtails.

plait : British English.
to twist three long pieces of hair or rope over and under each other to make one long piece


그녀의 어머니는 그것을(아이의 머리를) 양갈래로 땋았다.

saw Amanda Thripp descending in a long graceful parabola on to the playing-field beyond.

parabola [ puh-rab-uh-luh ] : a type of curve such as the path of something that is thrown up into the air and comes down in a different place.


아만다 트리프가 길고 우아한 포물선을 만들며, 저 너머 운동장으로 떨어지는 것을 보았다.

Amanda descending on to the playing field

And with that she sauntered away.

saunter [ sawn-ter ] : walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort.


그리고 그녀는 어슬렁어슬렁 걸어갔다.
