영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

Matilda (Page 112 ~ The End )

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Matilda (Page 112 ~ The End)

Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake

Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it.

not do things by halves : to do something very eagerly and using a lot of care and effort


그것에서 벗어나고 싶다면 최선을 다해야 해.

Go the whole hog.

Go the whole hog : INFORMAL
do something completely or thoroughly.


끝장 볼 때까지 하자.


His plump flabby face had turned grey with fearful apprehension.

apprehension [ ap-ri-hen-shuhn ] : anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.


그의 통통하게 살찐 얼굴은 겁에 질려 잿빛으로 변해 있었다.

you suppurating little blister.

suppurate [ suhp-yuh-reyt ] : to form or give out a thick, yellow liquid because of infection


이 화농성 작은 물집아.

robber-bandit, that safe-cracker, that highwayman standing over there with his socks around his ankles stole it and ate it.

highwayman [ hahy-wey-muhn ] : a robber who stole from travellers


강도범, 금고털이범, 저기 양말을 발목에 두르고 서 있는 노상강도가 (케이크를) 훔쳐먹었다.

'Well, thank you, ' the boy said, totally bemused.

bemused [ bih-myoozd ] : puzzled, confused, or bewildered.


'아, 고마워요.' 소년은 완전히 어리둥절한 표정으로 말했다.

The cook stood there like a shrivelled bootlace, tight-lipped, implacable, disapproving.

implacable [ im-plak-uh-buhl ] : ​(of strong negative opinions or feelings) that cannot be changed.


요리사는 입술을 굳게 다문 채 못마땅한 듯 쭈글쭈글한 신발 끈처럼 그곳에 서 있었다.

The cook stood there (in the right corner)

Or perhaps it was a booby-trapped cake

booby-trap : to hide something dangerous, especially a bomb, inside somewhere that looks safe


아니면 부비 트랩 케이크였을 수도 있다.

There were still no signs of flagging or giving up.

flagging [ flag-ing ] : becoming tired or losing strength


피곤해 보이거나, 포기할 기미는 보이지 않았다.

with the dogged perseverance of a long distance runner

dogged [ daw-gid, dog-id ] : having or showing tenacity and grim persistence.
perseverance [ pur-suh-veer-uhns ] : persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.


장거리 주자의 끈질긴 인내로


So I strongly advise you to swot it up

study assiduously.


열심히 공부해야 한다고 강력하게 충고한다.

she began to mull over the various possibilities,

mull over : To think deeply about something; to ponder, deliberate or ruminate.


그녀는 다양한 가능성에 대해 숙고하기 시작했다,

But you would never have got anyone at Crunchem Hall to admit that the Headmistress was a less formidable foe that the famous Frenchman.

an enemy or opponent.


하지만 크룬켐 홀에서의 그 유명한 프랑스인보다 교장이 덜 무서운 적이라고 인정하는 사람은 없었을 것이다.

and great secrecy observed if she was to come out of this exploit alive.

exploit [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] : a notable deed or feat, esp one that is noble or heroic


이 업적이 잘 이루어지려면, 반드시 비밀로 해야 한다.

this is the home of a colony of newts.

newts [ noot, nyoot ] : 영원(도롱뇽목 영원과의 동물)
a small animal that lives mostly in water and that has four short legs, a long, low body and tail, and soft, wet skin


이곳은 영원(도롱뇽과)의 거주지이다.

It is, in fact, an amphibian, which can live in or out of water.

amphibian [ am-fib-ee-uhn ] : 양서류
animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water.


사실 그것은 물 안팎에서 살 수 있는 양서류이다.

She lay on the bank for a long time waiting patiently until she spotted a whopper.

whopper [ hwop-er, wop- ] : INFORMAL
a thing that is extremely or unusually large.


그녀는 오랜 시간 동안 둑 위에 누워 엄청 큰 것을 발견할 때까지 참을성 있게 기다렸다.

Lavender caught a newts

The next day she carried her secret weapon to school in her satchel.

satchel [ sach-uhl ] : a bag with a long strap that schoolchildren use for carrying books.


다음날 그녀는 가방에 비밀 무기를 넣고 학교에 갔다.

it thrashed around wildly for a few seconds before settling down.

thrash : to move from side to side in a violent or uncontrolled way


그것은(도롱뇽과) 안정되기 전까지 몇 초 동안 격렬하게 몸부림쳤다.

The Weekly Test

She bellowed so loud she nearly blew the little chap out of the window.

chap : a man or boy. [mainly British, informal]


그녀는(교장선생) 너무 크게 소리를 질러서 하마터면 그 어린 남자아이를 창문 밖으로 날려 버릴 뻔했다.

he was trying not to be scared by the Gorgon who towered above him.

Gorgon [ gawr-guhn ] : each of three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, with snakes for hair, who had the power to turn anyone who looked at them to stone.


그는 자신보다 우뚝 솟은 고르곤에게 겁먹지 않으려고 애썼다.

she was peeved that he had succeded.

peeve [pí:v] : annoy or irritate.


그녀는 그가 성공했다는 사실에 화가 났다.

The Trunchbull's dangerous glittering eyes roved around the classroom.

rove [roʊv] : If you say that someone's eyes rove round a place, you mean that they are looking around to see what is interesting.


트런치불 교장의 위험스럽게 반짝이는 눈이 교실을 맴돌았다.

her diabolical gaze was moving slowly along the rows of tiny pupils.

diabolical [ dahy-uh-bol-i-kuhl ] : INFORMAL•BRITISH
disgracefully bad or unpleasant.


그녀의 사악한 시선은 줄지어 앉아있는 작은 학생들을 따라 천천히 움직이고 있었다.

She took a firm grip on Rupert's long golden tresses with her giant hand

tress [trés] : a long lock of hair


그녀는 거대한 손으로 루퍼트의 긴 금빛 머릿단을 단단히 잡았다.

'Get up and stop whimpering, ' the Trunchbull barked.

whimper [ˈwɪmpə(r)] : to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness


"일어나. 훌쩍거리지 말고." 트런치불이 소리지르며 말했다.

The children's eyes were riveted on the Headmistress.

be riveted on/to someone/something : eyes: be unable to stop looking at something.


아이들의 시선이 교장에게 쏠렸다.

What infernal insolence! What's your name, boy?

infernal [ in-fur-nl ] : saying someone or something is very annoying; relating to hell.
insolence [ in-suh-luhns ] : rude and disrespectful behavior.


정말 지독한 오만이군! 이름이 뭐야?

You're not indelible.

indelible : that cannot be removed, washed away, erased or forget

너는 제거되지 않아.


It'll give him an interesting pixie look for the rest of his life.

pixie [ pik-see ] : fairy; specifically : a cheerful mischievous sprite


그것은 그의 남은 인생을 우스운 요정 모양으로 살게 할 것이다.

The First Miracle

she's round the twist.

round the twist : British, informal. : not sane : crazy.


그녀는 제정신이 아니다. 

The fires of fury and hatred were smouldering in her black eyes.

smolder [ smohl-der ] : burn slowly with smoke but no flame.


그녀의 검은 눈에서 분노와 증오의 불길이 타오르고 있었다.

I shall make absolutely sure you are sent to a reformatory for delinquent girls for the minimum of forty years!

reformatory [rɪˈfɔːrmətɔːri] : DATED•ARCHAIC
an institution to which youthful offenders are sent as an alternative to prison; a reform school.
delinquent [ dih-ling-kwuhnt ] : a usually young person who regularly performs illegal or immoral acts


적어도 40년 동안은 비행 소녀들을 위한 소년원에 보내줄 거야!

And there it teetered for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk-top.

teeter [ˈtiːtə(r)] : to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing
tinkle [ˈtɪŋkl] : a light, clear ringing sound.


그리고 그것은 몇 초 동안 비틀거리다가 마침내 넘어져서 책상 위에서 날카로운 소리와 함께 떨어졌다.

The glass fell over

A strange feeling of serenity and confidence was sweeping over her

serenity [ suh-ren-i-tee ] : the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.


이상한 평온함과 자신감이 그녀를 휩쓸고 있었다

I can vouch for it that nobody has moved from his or her desk all the time you've been here,

vouch [váutʃ] : to support as being true, certain, reliable, etc


당신이 여기 있는 동안 아무도 책상에서 움직이지 않았다는 걸 보증할 수 있어요,

The Second Miracle

with a curiously exalted look on her face

exalted [ ig-zawl-tid ] : in a state of extreme happiness.


기묘하게 의기양양한 표정으로

She simply shouted the words inside her head.
And now she concentrated the whole of her mind and
her brain and her will up into her eyes
그저 머릿속으로 그 말들을 외쳤다. 
온 마음을 집중하고,
두뇌와 의지가 눈으로 향하고


the whole face was transfigured, the eyes round and bright,

transfigure [ trans-fig-yer or, especially British, -fig-er ] : to change the appearance of a person or thing very much


얼굴이 더 아름답게 변모되었고, 눈은 둥글고 밝았다.

And then suddenly, click went her face into a look of almost seraphic calm, 'I'm all right, '

seraphic [ si-raf-ik ] : resembles an angel


그리고 갑자기 그녀의 얼굴이 거의 천사처럼 차분한 표정으로 바뀌었다. '난 괜찮아요.'

Miss Honey's Cottage

her fingers flew as if she would scatter them to the four winds

scatter (something) to the four winds
: To disperse something across a wide area.


그녀의 손가락은 마치 그녀가 사방으로 흩뿌릴 것처럼 날았다.

It is a phenomenon.

phenomenon [ fi-nom-uh-non, -nuhn ] : something or someone that is very unusual because of a rare quality or ability that they have


그것은 경이로운 것이다.

'am probably far more bowled over by what you did than you are,

bowl over : surprise or impress someone very much


아마 너보다 내가 네가 한 일에 훨씬 더 놀랬을 거야.

you are quite exceptionally precocious.

precocious [ pri-koh-shuhs ] : (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual.


너는 꽤 아이 같지 않게 조숙하다.

Miss Honey marvelled at the child's lack of conceit and self-consciousness.

conceit [ kuhn-seet ] : the state of being too proud of yourself and your actions


미스 허니는 아이의 자만심과 자각의 부족함에 놀랐다.

the pattern of the bark on their trunks.

bark : the tough material that covers the outside of a tree.


나무 몸통에 있는 나무껍질의 무늬

The front-door was covered with flaky green paint

flaky [ fley-kee ] : breaking or separating easily into small thin pieces.


현관문은 얇은 녹색 페인트로 덮여 있었다

Miss Honey's Cottage

Although she was not a tall woman, she had to stoop low to get through the doorway.

stoop : bend one's head or body forward and downward.


그녀는 키가 큰 편은 아니었지만 출입문을 통과하기 위해서는 몸을 낮게 숙여야 했다.

On the shelf itself there stood a Primus stove,

Primus stove : a portable paraffin cooking stove, used esp by campers.


선반 위에는 프리머스 스토브가 있었다,

Primus stove

She pulled it up again and lo and behold,

lo and behold : It literally means 'look and see!
(놀랍거나 짜증스러운 것에 사람들의 관심을 끌 때 내는 소리)


그녀는 그것을(도르래를 우물에서) 다시 끌어올렸다. 하 이것 봐라! 

She pulled it up from the well

where dust and bits of grime had gathered.

grime : Grime is dirt which has collected on the surface of something


먼지와 진흙 조각들이 모여 있던 곳.

I have a good old tuck-in at the school lunch

tuck-in : dig in, and enjoy your food


나는 학교 점심시간에 맛있는 음식을 먹는다.

Miss Honey's Story


I was by then dominated by my aunt to such an extent that I wouldn't have dared.

such an extent : so much


나는 그때쯤 감히 엄두를 못 낼 정도로 이모에게 지배당하고 있었다.

But how did you pluck up the courage to tell the aunt?

pluck up the courage : make an effort to do something that frightens one.
pluck : to pull something, especially with a sudden movement, in order to remove it


그런데 어떻게 용기를 내서 이모에게 말했어요?

'No prizes for guessing who, ' Matilda said.

no prizes for guessing something : something you say when it is very easy to guess something


'누군인지 뻔한 거 아니겠어요, ' 마틸다가 말했다.

I am certain it's a forgery.

forgery [ fawr-juh-ree, fohr- ] : an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc.


나는 그것이 위조라고 확신한다.

The Practice

It had given her a sense of power that was almost ethereal.

ethereal [ ih-theer-ee-uhl ] : heavenly or celestial.


그것은 그녀에게 거의 경이로운 힘의 느낌을 주었다.

The Third Miracle

'do please try not to be smart-aleck with the Headmistress today. You were really quite cheeky to her last week.'

smart-aleck : an annoying person who thinks that other people are less intelligent
cheeky [ chee-kee ] : BRITISH
impudent or irreverent, typically in an endearing or amusing way.


오늘은 교장선생님께 건방지게 굴지 마세요. 당신은 지난주에 그녀에게 정말로 경솔했어요.

'Don't you get impertinent with me, Miss Honey!' the Trunchbull snapped,

impertinent [ im-pur-tn-uhnt ] : not showing enough respect; rude


"내게 무례하게 굴지 마, 미스 허니!" 트런치불이 쏘아붙였다,

Can't you see that, you stagnant cesspool!

stagnant [ stag-nuhnt ] : Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore often smells unpleasant and is dirty.


'안 보여? 이 고인 오물 웅덩이야!

like a halibut out of water and giving out a series of strangled gasps.

halibut /ˈhaləbət/ : 큰 넙치


마치 물 밖으로 나온 넙치처럼 목이 졸려 숨을 연속으로 내뿜는 것처럼

the huge figure of the Headmistress, stretched full-length on her back across the floor, out for the count.

out for the count : they are unconscious or very deeply asleep


큰 몸집의 교장은 바닥에 뻗은 채로 의식을 잃었다.

The Headmistress was out for the count

Miss Honey ran forward and knelt beside the prostrate giant.

prostrate [ pros-treyt ] : prostrate implies lying full-length as in submission, defeat, or physical collapse.


미스 허니는 앞으로 달려가 누워있는 거인 옆에 무릎을 꿇었다.

'She's out cold! Someone go and fetch the matron at once.'

out cold : completely unconscious.
matron [ mey-truhn ] : BRITISH
a woman in charge of domestic and medical arrangements at a boarding school or other establishment.


교장이 기절했어! 누가 당장 가서 양호선생님을 모셔와라

A New Home

She's done a bunk, Mr Trilby said to himself,

do a bunk : (Britain, slang, idiomatic) To escape or flee, especially under incriminating circumstances.


그녀가 도망쳤어, 트릴비 씨는 혼잣말을 했다,

Miss Honey received by registered post a letter from a firm of local solicitors informing her

solicitors [ suh-lis-i-ter ] : a lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares documents


미스 허니는 지역 변호사 회사로부터 그녀에게 알려주는 편지를 등기 우편으로 받았다

her small face flushed crimson all over.

crimson [ krim-zuhn, -suhn ] : of a rich deep red color inclining to purple.


그녀의 작은 얼굴이 온통 붉게 상기되어 있었다.

They don't actually care tuppence about me!

tuppence [ tuhp-uhns ] : to think that somebody/something is not important or that they have no value


그들은(부모님들은) 사실 나에게 신경 쓰지 않아요!

Matilda & Miss Honey

마틸다의 부모들은 미스 허니 곁에 남겠다는 마틸다를 미련없이 두고, 중고차 사기로 인하여 스페인으로 도망을 가면서 책은 끝이 납니다. 

The book ends when Matilda's parents flee to Spain due to a used car scam, leaving Matilda free to stay with Miss Honey.
