영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

James and the Giant Peach

영어꾸러기 2023. 2. 23. 07:38

James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl


by an enormous angry rhinoceros which had escaped from the London Zoo.

rhinoceros [ rahy-nos-er-uhs ]: 코뿔소 


런던 동물원에서 탈출한 거대한 화난 코뿔소에 의해.

in a queer ramshackle house on the top of a high hill in the south of England.

ramshackle [ ram-shak-uhl ]: badly or untidily made and likely to break or fall down easily


영국 남부의 높은 언덕 꼭대기에 있는 기묘한 허름한 집에서.

gazing wistfully at the lovely but forbidden world of woods and fields and ocean

wistfully [ wist-fuh-lee ]: in a way that is sad and shows someone is thinking about something that is impossible or in the past


사랑스럽지만 금지된 숲과 들판과 바다의 세계를 동경하며 바라보면서


James' aunts

She had small piggy eyes, a sunken mouth, and one of those white flabby faces

sunken [ suhng-kuhn ]: having sunk or been submerged in water.
flabby [ flab-ee ]: lacking resilience or firmness


그녀는 작은 돼지 눈과 움푹 들어간 입, 그리고 하얗고 축 늘어진 얼굴을 가지고 있었다

Great tears began oozing out of James's eyes and rolling down his cheeks.

ooze [ ooz ] : to flow or leak out slowly


제임스의 눈에서 커다란 눈물이 새어 나와 뺨을 타고 흘러내리기 시작했다.

glaring at him over the top of her steel spectacles.

spectacles (ˈspɛktəkəlz): glasses


철제 안경 너머로 그를 노려보았다.


The old man hobbled a step or two nearer,

hobble [ hob-uhl ] : walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.


노인은 절뚝거리며 한두 걸음 가까이 다가갔다.


He swerved away from them so as to go round the other side of the house

swerve [ swurv ] : change or cause to change direction abruptly.


그는 집 반대편으로 가려고 그들에게서 몸을 돌렸다.

they burrowed their way downward into the hard earth

burrow [ bur-oh, buhr-oh ]: to make a hole or passage in, into, or under something


그것들은 단단한 땅 속으로 파고들었다

and a whole lot of earthworms and centipedes and insects living the soil.

centipede [ sen-tuh-peed ]: 지네


땅에 사는 수많은 지렁이와 지네와 곤충들.


I'll be blowed!

I'll be blowed!
: Used to express amazement and surprise.


정말 놀라울 따름이야!


he was so spellbound by the whole thing

spellbind [ spel-bahynd ] : having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything else


그는 그 모든 것에 매료되었다

a thin trickle of spit was running down one side of her chin.

trickle [ trik-uhl ] : a small flow of liquid.


그녀의 턱 한쪽으로 가느다란 침방울이 흘러내리고 있었다.


the whole place was a seething mass of men, women, and children

seething (ˈsiːðɪŋ) : moving quickly around in small space, or full of people doing this


그곳은 남자, 여자, 그리고 아이들의 무리로 야단법석이었다.


The floor was soggy under his knees,

soggy [ sog-ee ] : wet and soft


무릎 아래 바닥이 축축했고,

it was very jagged and full of deep grooves.

jagged [ jag-id ] : rough and uneven, with sharp points
groove [ groov ]: a long, narrow, hollow space cut into a surface


그것은 매우 들쭉날쭉하고 깊은 홈으로 가득 차 있었다.


gave him a withering look.

wither [ with-er ] : intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated.
a withering look : 상대방을 주눅 들게 하는 눈초리.


그에게 눈초리를 주었다.

He was obviously a rascal,

rascal [ ras-kuhl ]: a person who behaves badly or dishonestly but who is usually likable


그는 분명히 개구쟁이였다.


I spun it with gossamer.

gossamer [ gos-uh-mer ] : a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, seen especially in autumn.


곱고 가는 거미줄로 지었다.

Then he got down off the sofa and ambled across the room

amble [ am-buhl ] : walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.


그리고 나서 그는 소파에서 내려 방을 가로질러 천천히 걸어갔다

'Lights out,' said the Centipede drowsily.

drowsy [ drou-zee ] : sleepy; ready to fall asleep


' 불 꺼. ' 지네가 졸린 듯이 말했다.

'All in good time.'

'All in good time.'
: used to tell someone to be patient because the thing they are eager for will happen when the time is right


머지 않아, 곧; 때가 되면


as the room gave another violent lurch.

lurch [ lurch ] : an abrupt jerking, swaying, or tipping movement


방이 또다시 심하게 흔들리면서.


and then through a paddock full of horses,

paddock [ pad-uhk ] : a small field or enclosure where horses are kept or exercised.


그리고 말들이 가득한 방목장을 지나,

anything that got in its way went toppling over like a ninepin.

ninepin : a bowling pin of the type used in playing ninepins


방해가 되는 모든 것은 볼링장의 나인핀처럼 넘어졌다.

floating serenely upon the surface of the water.

serenely /səˈriːn.li/ : in a calm, peaceful, and untroubled manner.


수면 위에 고요히 떠 있는.


murmured the Ladybird, turning a trifle pale,

a trifle pale : slightly or to a small extent


무당벌레가 약간 창백해지면서 중얼거렸다.


we shall all die a slow and grisly death from starvation.

grisly [ griz-lee ] : causing horror or disgust.


우리 모두는 굶주림으로 인해 천천히 그리고 끔찍한 죽음을 맞이할 것야.


the shark opened his mouth (which was big enough to have swallowed a perambulator) and made a lunge at the peach.

perambulator [ per-am-byuh-ley-ter ] : DATED•BRITISH. a baby carriage; a pram.
lunge [ luhnj ] : to move forward suddenly and with force


상어는 입을 벌리고 (보행기를 삼킬만큼 컸다) 복숭아를 향해 돌진했다.

‘Oh, we are finished now!’ cried Miss Spider, wringing her feet.

wring [ ring ] : to squeeze or twist


오, 우리는 이제 끝났어!' Miss Spider는 발을 움츠리며 외쳤다. ‘


‘Come on, James,’ the Ladybird said, coaxing him.

coax [ kohks ] : to try to persuade someone to do something by gently asking or patiently encouraging the person


'어서, 제임스.' 무당벌레가 그를 달래며 말했다.

‘I don’t give a hoot what the plan is!’ cried the Earthworm.

give a hoot : to care at all about someone or something. used in negative statements


'계획이 뭔지는 관심도 없어! ' 지렁이가 외쳤다.


James caught them one after the other and tethered them to the peach stem.

tether [ teth-er ] : tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement.


제임스는 그것들을 차례로 잡아서 복숭아 줄기에 묶었다.


‘They churned the water into a froth!’

churn [ churn ] : (with reference to liquid) move or cause to move about vigorously.


'그들은 사납게 물속을 휘저어 물거품을 내고 있어! '


the first note was struck, the audience became completely spellbound.

spellbound [ spel-bound ] : hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.


첫 번째 음이 울렸고, 청중들은 완전히 매료되었다.

‘Why must you always be so rude and rambunctious to everyone?

rambunctious [ ram-buhngk-shuhs ] : INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN
uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous.


' 왜 너는 항상 모든 사람에게 그렇게 무례하고 제멋대로 인거야? '


although I myself find them a trifle too saucy for my taste.’

saucy [ saw-see ] : impertinently bold and impudent.


내 취향에 비해 너무 건방진다고 생각하지만,


Clouds like mountains towered high above their heads on all sides, mysterious, menacing, overwhelming.

menacing [ men-i-sing ] : suggesting the presence of danger; threatening.


산과 같은 구름이 사방에서 머리 위로 우뚝 솟아 신비롭고 위협적이며 압도적이었다.

tall, wispy, wraithlike, shadowy, white creatures who looked as though they were made out of a mixture of cotton-wool and candyfloss and thin white hairs.

wispy [ wis-pee ] : very thin and light
wraithlike : looks like a shadow or a ghost
wraith [ reyth ]
candyfloss : 솜사탕


크고 가벼우며 그림자 같은 하얀 존재는 솜털과 솜사탕, 가느다란 흰 털을 섞어 만든 것처럼 보였다.

This evidently infuriated the Cloud-Men beyond belief.

infuriate [ verb in-fyoor-ee-eyt ] : make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.


이것은 분명히 클라우드맨을 믿을 수 없을 정도로 격분시켰다.

James could hear them smashing against the sides of the peach and burying themselves in the peach flesh with horrible squelching noises

squelch [ skwelch ] : to make a sucking sound like the one produced when you are walking on soft, wet ground


제임스는 그것들이 복숭아 옆면을 때리고 철퍼덕거리는 소리를 내며 복숭아 과육에 파묻히는 소리를 들을 수 있었다.


But the rest of them were too frightened or too hypnotized by the whole affair to make a move.

hypnotize [ hip-nuh-tahyz ] : to produce a sleep-like state in someone so that you can influence their thoughts and actions


그러나 그들 중 나머지는 이 모든 사건에 너무 겁을 먹거나 최면에 걸려 움직일 수가 없었다.

two black eyes glinting malevolently through the hairs.

malevolently [ muh-lev-uh-luhnt ] : in a way that causes or wants to cause harm or evil


악의에 찬 두 개의 검은 눈이 머리카락 사이로 반짝이고 있는.

very very slowly, hand over hand, he began to come down the string.

hand over hand : by grasping with the hands moving alternately one before or above the other


매우 천천히, 두 손을 번갈아 가며, 그는 줄을 타고 내려오기 시작했다.

The rest of the Cloud-Men were so flabbergasted at seeing one of their company carried away in this manner

flabbergasted (ˈflæbəˌɡɑːstɪd) : INFORMAL
greatly surprised or astonished.


나머지 클라우드맨들은 그들 중 하나가 이런 식으로 끌려가는 것을보고 너무 놀랬다.

pelting them mercilessly with all sorts of hard and horrible objects

pelting [ pel-ting ] : to throw a number of things quickly at someone or something


온갖 종류의 딱딱하고 끔찍한 물건들을 무자비하게 그들에게 던졌다


He really did look a sight.

look a sight : to look untidy, ridiculous, etc


그는 정말 꼴불견이었다.

as though he were encased in cement.

encased [ en-keys ] : to cover or surround something or someone completely


마치 시멘트 속에 갇힌 것처럼 .


just as suddenly as it had started, the deluge stopped.

deluge [ˈdeljuːdʒ] : a severe flood.


갑자기 시작된 것처럼 홍수가 멈췄다.


the travellers caught glimpses of Cloud-Men moving around on the tops of these clouds, working their sinister magic upon the world below.

sinister [ sin-uh-ster ] : giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.


여행자들은 이 구름 위를 돌아다니며 그들의 불길한 마법을 아래 세계에 작용시키는 클라우드맨을 언뜻 보았다.


people walking on the pavements looked no larger than tiny grains of soot.

soot [ soot ] : Soot is black powder which rises in the smoke from a fire and collects on the inside of chimneys


보도를 걷는 사람들은 작은 그을음 알갱이보다 크지 않아 보였다.


an enormous bomb sent over by another country to blow the whole city to smithereens.

smithereens [ smith-uh-reenz ] : INFORMAL
small pieces.


도시 전체를 산산조각 내기 위해 다른 나라에서 보낸 거대한 폭탄.


staring in a sort of stupor at what they thought was the biggest bomb in all the world falling out of the sky on to their heads.

stupor [ stoo-per ] : almost unconscious and is unable to act or think normally,


그들은 세상에서 가장 큰 폭탄이 하늘에서 그들의 머리 위로 떨어지는 것을 일종의 망연자실한 상태로 바라보고 있었다.


the very tallest of them all had a top that tapered off into a long sharp point

taper [ tey-per ] : to become smaller or thinner toward one end


그것들 중 가장 키가 큰 것은 끝이 길고 뾰족한 꼭대기를 가지고 있었다.


‘But they seem to be in an awful stew about something.’

be in a stew : To be worried, anxious, or agitated (about something)


'하지만 그들은 무언가 때문에 몹시 걱정하는 거 같다'


one hundred steeplejacks, armed with ropes and ladders and pulleys,

steeplejack [ stee-puhl-jak ] : a person whose job is to climb high buildings in order to repair, paint, clean them, etc

밧줄과 사다리와 도르래로 무장한 100명의 수리공들

‘We must now have a ticker-tape parade for our wonderful visitors!’

ticker-tape parade : a parade in which small pieces of paper are thrown into the air to celebrate something, welcome someone, etc.


'우리는 이제 우리의 멋진 방문객들을 위해 (색종이 테이프를 뿌리며 하는) 축하행진을 해야 합니다!'

To some people it looked as though the Pied Piper of Hamelin had suddenly descended upon New York.

Pied Piper : Also called: the Pied Piper of Hamelin
(in German legend) a piper who rid the town of Hamelin of rats by luring them away with his music and then, when he was not paid for his services, lured away its children


어떤 사람들에게는 그것이 하멜린의 피리 부는 사람이 갑자기 뉴욕으로 내려온 것처럼 보였다.



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