영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

The BFG (P47 ~ P116)

영어꾸러기 2023. 2. 16. 07:41

The Bloodbottler


a tremendous thumping noise came from outside the cave entrance

thumping : pounding or throbbing in a heavy, continuous way.

엄청난 쿵쿵거리는 소리가 동굴 입구 밖에서 들려왔다

' I is hearing you jabbeling '

Jabbling : talking to someone or about someone

네가 얘기하는 소리가 들려.

' Us together is going to winkle out this tasteful little human bean! '

winkles : the BFG's word for someone or something's eyes.

'우리가 함께 이 맛있는 작은 인간을 찾을 것이다!'

' You and your pibbling bottles! '

pibbling: ( the BFG's word ) very small and very unimportant.

'너와 너의 보잘것없는 병들!'

' You is talking rommytot, '

rommytot: ( the BFG's word ) if someone is talking rommytot, they are talking nonsense.

'말도 안 되는 말을 하고 있어, '

the sheer foulness of its flavour would send him bellowing out of the cave.

foulness : disgusting dirt and refuse

그 맛의 순수한 악취는 소리 지르게 만들 것이다. 



when you see how truly glumptious it is,

glumptious : ( the BFG's word ) scrumptious

얼마나 맛있는지 알게 되면,

Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers 

' Not even a fizzwinkel, '

fizzwinkel: ( the BFG's word ) a fizzwinkel is a type of edible plant or vegetable, much smaller than a snozzcumber. It may be related to the pigwinkle, which grows outside Giant Country.

'fizzwinkel도 없어, '


' All giants is drinking frobscottle. '

frobscottle : ( the BFG's word )  frobscottle is a green fizzy drink that the BFG and other giants drink instead of water. Unlike snozzcumbers, it tastes delicious to giants. The bubbles in frobscottle sink down rather than rise up, so if you drink a lot of it, you will soon be whizzpopping (even if you are the Queen.)

'모든 거인들이 frobscottle을 마시고 있어.'

' You is actually meaning to tell me you cannot see why it is a scrotty mistake to have the bubbles flying up instead of down? '

scrotty: grotty; dirty; unpleasant
; If you feel scrotty, you feel sad and gloomy.

'실제로 거품이 아래로 가 아니라 위로 올라가는 것이 왜 안 좋은 건지 알 수 없다고 말하려는 거니?'

' Upgoing bubbles is a catasterous disastrophe!'

catasterous : ( the BFG's word ) a catasterous situation is very bad indeed, and a catasterous disastrophe is the worst of all.

'올라가는 거품은 대재앙인 거야!'

' Everyone is whizzpopping, if that's what you call it, '

whizzpopping : ( the BFG's word )  methane released from the bottom (farting)

'모든 사람들이 방귀를 뀌지, 그것을 얘기하려는 거지?'

They reverberated around the walls of the cave like thunder and the glass jars rattled on their shelves.

reverberate : (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo.

그것들은 천둥처럼 동굴 벽 주위에 울려 퍼졌고 유리병들은 그들의 선반에서 덜거덕거렸다.

Journey to Dream Country 

' a few gollops of frobscottle is always making me hopscotchy again. '

hopscotchy : ( the BFG's word ) cheerful, happy

'frobscottle을 몇 모금 마시면 언제나 다시 기분이 좋아진단다.'

' It's a razztwizzler, '

razztwizzler : ( the BFG's word ) something wonderfully exciting or enjoyable.

'그것은 흥미로운 거야.'

‘ I always gets as jumpsy as a joghopper when the Fleshlumpeating Giant is around.’

Jumpsy : ( the BFG's word ) if you feel jumpsy, you feel anxious and the slightest thing will make you jump.
joghopper: ( the BFG's word ) a creature that hops about.

'Fleshlumpeater Giant가 주변에 있으면 항상 joghopper처럼 불안해져.'

He just loped over casually to a point where the BFG would have to pass.

lope : run or move with a long bounding stride.

그는 BFG가 통과해야 할 지점까지 아무렇지 않게 달려갔다.

as they loped slowly across the plain with long lolloping strides,

lollop : to walk or run with a clumsy or relaxed bouncing movement

그들은 천천히 기우뚱한 달음박질로 평원을 가로지르고

' Where is you splatch-winkling away to in such a hefty hurry?'

splatch-winkle : ( the BFG's word ) hurrying about

'어디로 그렇게 급히 달려가는 거야?'

The giants were playing ball with the BFG

The giants were playing ball with the BFG, vying with each other to see who could throw him the highest.

vying : competing; contending

거인들은 누가 그를 가장 높이 던질 수 있는지 서로 경쟁하면서 BFG를 가지고 공놀이를 하고 있었다.

' I is sorry you was having such a whirlgig time.'

whirlgig : topsy-turvy and higgledy-piggledy ; in utter disorder
"Topsy-turvy" means upside down.
"Higgledy-piggedly" means messy, disorganised, all over the place.

'그렇게 혼란스러운 시간을 보내게 해서 미안하다.'

surely there's some sort of an outcry?

outcry : an exclamation or shout.

분명 고함 같은 게 있지 않나요?


They began waving gently to and fro.

to and fro : in a constant movement backward and forward or from side to side.

그의 귀가 부드럽게 앞뒤로 흔들리기 시작했다.


It's a phizzwizard!

phizzwizzard : ( the BFG's word ) great dream
Golden Phizzwizard : a wonderful dream

멋진 꿈이야!


' It is a trogglehumper!' cried the exasperated BFG.

trogglehumper : ( the BFG's word ) an absolutely frightful dream
exasperated : intensely irritated and frustrated.

'끔찍한 꿈이야', 분노하며 BFG가 외쳤다.

thrashing against the sides of the jar and forever changing shape.

thrash : to move from side to side in a violent or uncontrolled way

병의 옆면에 부딪히면서, 계속 모양을 바꾸고 있는.

It'll bash itself to bits!

bash : strike hard and violently
to bits : into small pieces

스스로 세게 부딪쳐서 산산조각이 날 거야

It will make a tremendous rumpledumpus.

rumpledumpus >> rumpus

엄청난 소동을 일으킬 거야.

all the other giants were sprawled out on the ground, fast asleep.

sprawl : sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly or awkward way.

다른 거인들은 모두 땅바닥에 벌렁 드러누워 깊이 잠들어 있었다.

A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater

' They is always having fifty winks before they goes scumpering off to hunt human beans in the evening, '

fifty winks >> forty winks : a short sleep during the day
scumpering off >> scampering off : to run quickly and with small steps, like a child or a small animal

'그들은 저녁에 사람을 사냥하러 떠나기 전에 항상 낮잠을 잔다.'

' Giants is only sleeping every then and now.'

every then and now : Occasionally, from time to time; also, periodically

'거인들은 가끔 잠을 잔다.'

They looked even more grotesque now than when they were awake.

grotesque : comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

그들은 깨어 있을 때보다 지금이 훨씬 더 괴상해 보였다.

they were snoring like foghorns.

foghorn : a horn that makes a very loud sound to warn ships that they are close to land or other ships

거인들의 코 고는 소리가 기차 화통을 삶아 먹은 것 같았다.

' We is doing this lovely bit of buckswashling both together.'

buckswashling >> swashbuckling : If you describe someone or something as swashbuckling, you mean that they are connected with adventure and excitement.

'우리는 함께 이 멋진 일을 하는 거야.'

massive creature having such mighty convulsions.

convulsion : a shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled, often caused by illness

엄청난 경련을 일으키는 거대한 거인.

one of the Fleshlumpeater's flailing fists caught the still-fast-asleep Meatdripping Giant smack in the mouth.

flail : If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energetic but uncontrolled way.
fast asleep : sleeping and difficult to wake

Fleshlumpeater의 휘젓는 주먹 중 하나가 아직 잠이 덜 깬 Meatdripping 거인의 입을 강타 했다.

all nine of them were on their feet having the most almighty free-for-all.

free-for-all : an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them

그들 아홉은 모두 일어서서 엄청난 싸움을 하고 있었다.



' I'll bet you is also finding it hard to believe in quogwinkles, ' the BFG said

quogwinkle: ( the BFG's word ) a creature from outer space. Quogwinkles make regular visits to Giant Country and can communicate with the BFG.

'너도 외계인에 대해 믿기 어렵다고 생각하지, '

It has a very dory-hunky ending.

dory-hunky >> hunky-dory : quite satisfactory : fine

상당히 만족스러운 결말을 가지고 있어.

she saw the faint translucent outline of something about the size of a hen's egg.

translucent : (of a substance) allowing some light to pass through

암탉의 알만한 크기의 희미한 반투명 윤곽을 보았다.

It is the most scrum-diddlyumptious story.

scrumdiddlyumptious : INFORMAL. (of food) extremely tasty; delicious. / 
(of a person) very attractive

가장 흥미로운 이야기란다.

' That is all the giants zippfizzing off to another country to guzzle human beans, '

zippfizz: ( the BFG's word ) when giants zippfizz, they whizz along as fast as they can go.

'모든 거인들은 인간들을 잡아먹기 위해 다른 나라로 떠난다.'

English boys is tasting extra lickswishy!

lickswishy : ( the BFG's word ) a lickswishy taste or flavor is gloriously delicious.

영국소년들은 더할 나위 없이 맛있다!

The Great Plan


'Never in a month of Mondays.'

Never in a month of Mondays >> not in a month of Sundays : If you say that something will not happen in a month of Sundays, you mean that it is very unlikely to happen.

'가능성이 없어.'





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