영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 14 ~ The End)

영어꾸러기 2023. 3. 25. 09:09

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Chap 14 ~ The End)

Mr Willy Wonka

The whole face, in fact, was alight with fun and laughter.

alight [ uh-lahyt ] : If someone's eyes are alight or if their face is alight, the expression in their eyes or on their face shows that they are feeling a strong emotion such as excitement or happiness.


실제로, 얼굴 전체가 유쾌함과 웃음으로 빛났다.

Mr Willy Wonka

His voice was high and flutey.

flutey [ floo-tee ] : resembling a flute in sound.


그의 목소리는 높고 부드럽고 맑았다.


They’d perish if they went outdoors in this weather! They’d freeze to death!’

perish [ per-ish ] : to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.


이런 날씨에 밖에 나가면 그들은 죽을 거에요! 그들은 얼어 죽을 거에요!'

from the heart of the great factory, came a muffled roar of energy as though some monstrous gigantic machine were spinning its wheels at breakneck speed.

muffle [ muhf-uhl ] : A muffled sound is quiet or not clear
breakneck [ breyk-nek ] : very fast or dangerous


거대한 공장의 심장부에서 큰 기계가 맹렬한 속도로 바퀴를 돌리는 것 같은 에너지의 웅웅거리는 소리가 들려왔다.

We’ll never get round today if you dawdle like this!’

dawdle [ dawd-l ] : waste time; be slow.


이렇게 빈둥거리면 우리는 오늘 안으로 다 돌아볼 수 없을 거에요!'

The place was like a gigantic rabbit warren,

rabbit warren [ wawr-uhn, wor- ] : a series of underground tunnels where rabbits live;


그곳은 거대한 토끼 사육장 같았고,

The Chocolate Room

I insist upon my rooms being beautiful! I can’t abide ugliness in factories!

abide [ uh-bahyd ] : to endure, sustain, or withstand without yielding or submitting


나의 공간은 아름다워야 한다고 주장합니다! 공장 안의 추악함은 참을 수 없거든요!

weeping willows and alders and tall clumps of rhododendrons with their pink and red and mauve blossoms.

weeping willow : 수양버들 This name comes from the way raindrops run down its long leaves, making it look like the tree is crying.


alder [ awl-der ] : 오리나무 a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones.


rhododendron [ roh-duh-den-druhn ] : 진달래
mauve [ mohv ] : 연보라색, 담자색


수양버들과 오리나무들, 그리고 분홍과 빨강과 연보라색 꽃들이 있는 키 큰 진달래 무리들.

Try a blade! Please do! It’s delectable!’

blade : a leaf of a plant and especially of a grass
delectable [ dih-lek-tuh-buhl ] : (of food or drink) delicious.


풀잎을 먹어봐요! 시도해 보세요! 맛있어요!'

blade meaning

Everybody stopped picking buttercups and stared across the river.

buttercup [ buht-er-kuhp ] : 미나리아재비  A buttercup is a small plant with bright yellow flowers.


모두가 미나리아재비 따기를 멈추고 강 건너편을 응시했다.


‘They’re Oompa-Loompas.’
그들은 옴파 룸파스입니다


The Oompa-Loompas

You can gorge yourselves silly on them!

gorge yourself (on something) : to eat until you are too full to eat any more


당신은 그것들을(카카오) 배가 불러 더 이상 먹을 수 없을 때까지 먹을 수 있습니다.

Augustus Gloop Goes up the Pipe

‘They most certainly would!’ cried Mr Gloop indignantly.

indignantly [ in-dig-nuhnt-lee ] : in an angry way, because of something that is wrong or not fair.


'그들은 틀림없이 그럴 것이다!'라고 글로프 씨가 분개하며 외쳤다.


Down the Chocolate River

Then suddenly, for some reason best known to themselves, they all burst into shrieks of laughter.

for reasons best known to himself/herself etc : saying you don't understand why someone does something.


그리고 갑자기, 이유 없이, 그들은 모두 비명을 지르며 웃음을 터뜨렸다.

‘She wants a good kick in the pants,’ whispered Grandpa Joe to Charlie.

kick in the pants : something that makes you improve your behavior


 '그녀는( Veruca ) 처벌이 필요해' 조 할아버지가 찰리에게 속삭였다. 

Whipped cream isn’t whipped cream at all unless it’s been whipped with whips.

whipped : (of cream, eggs, or other food) beaten into a froth.
whip : a cord or piece of leather used for hitting an animal or a person


휘핑크림은 채찍으로 거품을 일게 하지 않는 한 전혀 휘핑크림이 아닙니다.

‘Has beans?’ cried Violet Beauregarde.
‘You’re one yourself!’ said Mr Wonka.


'한물간 사람? 바이올렛 보레가르드가 외쳤다.
'너 또한 그 중 한 명!' 윙카 씨가 말했다.

has beans : It's a pun. A "has-been" is a person who was once famous or important and no longer is (famous or important). I believe in most British English dialects "been" and "bean" are homophones. In American English "been" is usually a homophone with "bin".
'You're one yourself!' : A "has bean" is a pun on "has-been" (see JamesM's definition). In British English they are pronounced exactly the same. It is a pun because Willy Wonka has just been listing real types of bean (cocoa, coffee, jelly) and then he says "has bean" which is not a real type of bean, it is just a play on words. It is not a typo, it's supposed to say "you're one yourself" as Willy Wonka is saying "you are also one (a has-been)". He is essentially insulting Violet by saying that she is a has-been.

from wordreference.com

The Inventing Room – Everlasting Gobstoppers and Hair Toffee

You can put an Everlasting Gobstopper in your mouth and you can suck it
and suck it and suck it and suck it and it will never get any smaller!’


Everlasting Gobstopper : 줄어들지 않는 사탕

The saucepan was full of a thick gooey purplish treacle,

treacle [ tree-kuhl ] : BRITISH
a thick, sticky dark syrup made from partly refined sugar; molasses.


소스팬은 끈적끈적한 자줏빛의 두꺼운 시럽으로 가득 차 있었다,

‘That’s Hair Toffee!’ cried Mr Wonka. ‘You eat just one tiny bit of that,
and in exactly half an hour a brand-new luscious thick silky beautiful
crop of hair will start growing out all over the top of your head! And a
moustache! And a beard!


Hair Toffee : 머리와 수염이 자라나는 시럽

The Great Gum Machine

then a giant whizzer started whizzing round inside the enormous tub,

whizzer [ hwiz-er, wiz- ] : anything that makes a whizzing sound or motion


그때 엄청난 쇳소리가 거대한 통 안에서 윙윙거리기 시작했다.

The Great Gum Machine

Good-bye Violet

At once, her huge, well-trained jaws started chewing away on it like a pair of tongs.

tongs [tɑːŋz; tɔːŋz] : a type of tool used to grip and lift objects instead of holding them directly with hands.


즉시 그녀의 거대하고 잘 훈련된 턱이 한 쌍의 집게처럼 그것을 씹기 시작했다.

in fact the skin all over her body, as well as her great big mop of curly hair, had turned a brilliant, purplish-blue, the colour of blueberry juice!

mop of hair : a lot of hair in a thick mass


사실 그녀의 몸 전체의 피부는 물론 숱이 많은 곱슬머리도 블루베리 주스의 색깔인 밝고 자줏빛이 도는 파란색으로 변했다.

Along the Corridor

Square Sweets That Look Round

‘My dear old fish,’ said Mr Wonka, ‘go and boil your head!

old fish : British
: a very strange person
go and boil your head : (informal) go away; get lost.


'친애하는 특이한 사람,' 웡카 씨가 말했다, '그만 닥치세요'.

They came to a long flight of stairs. Mr Wonka slid down the banisters.

banister [ ban-uh-ster ] : the wooden or metal bar on top of a row of posts at the side of stairs:


그들은 긴 계단에 이르렀다. 웡카 씨는 난간을 미끄러져 내려갔다.

Mrs Salt was a great fat creature with short legs, and she was blowing like a rhinoceros.

rhinoceros [ rahy-nos-er-uhs ] : 코뿔소


솔트 부인은 짧은 다리를 가진 거대하고 뚱뚱했고, 코뿔소처럼 불고 있었다.

Veruca in the Nut Room

On the table, there were mounds and mounds of walnuts,

mound [maʊnd] : a heap or raised mass


탁자 위에는 호두가 산더미처럼 쌓여 있었다.

‘Why, to the furnace, of course,’ Mr Wonka said calmly. ‘To the incinerator.’

incinerator [ in-sin-uh-rey-ter ] : a furnace for burning waste


'왜요, 물론 아궁이까지지요,' 웡카 씨가 침착하게 말했다. '소각장으로.'

‘I think you’ve gone just a shade too far this time, I do indeed. My daughter may be a bit of a frump
a shade : formal very slightly

frump [frʌmp] : a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman


이번엔 좀 지나치신 것 같아요, 정말이에요. 내 딸이 좀 심술궂을 수도 있습니다

The Great Glass Lift

as though it had come to the top of the hill and gone over a precipice, it dropped like a stone and Charlie felt his tummy coming right up into his throat,

precipice [ pres-uh-pis ] : a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain


마치 그것이 언덕 꼭대기에 와서 절벽을 넘어가는 것처럼, 그것은 돌처럼 떨어졌고, 찰리는 그의 배가 목구멍으로 올라오는 것을 느꼈다.

The Television-Chocolate Room

From the ceiling, huge lamps hung down and bathed the room in a brilliant blue-white light.

be bathed in light/sunshine etc :
written an area or building that is bathed in light has light shining onto it in a way that makes it look pleasant or attractive


천장에는 거대한 램프가 매달려 있었고 밝은 청백색 빛으로 방을 가득 채웠다.


Mike Teavee is Sent by Television

‘But he’s a midget!’ shouted Mr Teavee.

midget [ mij-it ] : a very small person


하지만 그는(마이크) 난쟁이가 되었어요!' 티비 씨가 소리쳤다.

MIke became a midget

‘We can’t send him back to school like this! He’ll get trodden on! He’ll get squashed!’

tread [tred] : BRITISH
set one's foot down on top of.


'이대로 그를 학교에 보낼 수는 없어요! 그는 밟힐 거고, 찌그러질 거에요!'

Only Charlie Left

But we mustn’t dilly! We mustn’t dally!

dilly-dallydil-ee-dal-ee ] : INFORMAL
waste time through aimless wandering or indecision.


하지만 꾸물거리면 안 돼요! 시간 낭비하면 안 돼요.

The Other Children Go Home

after a chocolate factory tour

Charlie’s Chocolate Factory

Charlie climbed on to the bed and tried to calm the three old people who were still petrified with fear.

petrified [ pe-truh-fahyd ] : so frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.


찰리는 침대 위에 올라가 아직도 공포에 떨고 있는 세 노인을 진정시키려고 애썼다.

The glass lift came into the old people's bedroom through the roof of the house.

