영어단어/로알드 달(Roald Dahl)

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 01 ~ Chap 08)

영어꾸러기 2023. 4. 5. 07:55

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Chap 01 ~ Chap 08)

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl

Mr Wonka Goes Too Far

‘These skyhooks,’ said Grandma Josephine. ‘I assume one end is hooked on to this contraption we’re riding in. Right?’

contraption [ kuhn-trap-shuhn ] : a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well


'이 스카이훅들', 조세핀 할머니가 말했다. '한쪽 끝이 우리가 타고 있는 이 장치에 연결되어 있는 것 같군요. 맞죠?'

‘Nor do I,’ said Grandma Georgina. ‘He footles around.’

footle [ foot-l ] : to talk or act foolishly


'나도 마찬가지에요.' 조지나 할머니가 말했다. '그는 어리석은 짓을 하는군요.'

‘We’ll all be pulpified!’ ‘We’ll be scrambled like eggs!’ said Grandma Georgina.

pulpify [pʌ́lpəfài] : to make pulp of : pulp


'우리는 모두 으깨어질 거예요!' 우리는 계란처럼 스크램블 될 거예요!'라고 조지나 할머니가 말했다.

‘We’ll be lixivated, every one of us!’

lixivate (lĭk-sĭv′ē-āt′) : if someone lixivates you, you will be squished and mushed and turned into slush.


'우리 모두 찌그러지고 뭉개질 거에요!'

Only Charlie and Grandpa Joe kept moderately cool.

moderately [ mod-er-it-lee ] : to a certain extent; quite; fairly.


찰리와 조 할아버지만이 절제하며 냉정을 유지했다.

Split-second timing, my boy, that’s what it’s got to be.

split-second : a very brief moment of time.


순간적인 찰나, 얘야, 그래야만 하는 타이밍이 있다.


Charlie and Grandpa Joe and Mr and Mrs Bucket also floated upwards so that in a twink the entire company,

twink [ twingk ] : another word for wink
in a wink : in an instant


찰리와 조할아버지, 버킷 부부 일행 전체가 순식간에 위로 떠올랐다. 

Space Hotel 'U.S.A.'

Guests were to be taken up and down by a taxi-service of small capsules blasting off from Cape Kennedy every hour on the hour,

every hour on the hour : at the beginning of each hour (at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.)


손님들은 케이프 케네디에서 매시 정각에 출발하는 작은 캡슐들의 택시 서비스에 의해 위아래로 이동해야 했다.

The capsule they were travelling in was manned by the three famous astronauts, Shuckworth, Shanks and Showier,

manned : carrying or operated by one or more persons;crewed


그들의 이동 수단으로서의 그 캡슐은 세 명의 유명한 우주비행사인 Shuckworth, Shanks, Showier에 의해 조종되었다.

the three famous astronauts

Shanks heard another quite different voice in his earphones. It was deep and rasping.

rasping [ ras-ping ] : harsh-sounding and unpleasant; grating.


Shanks는 이어폰에서 깊고 거친 다른 목소리를 들었다.

‘That’s not a bed, you drivelling thickwit!’ yelled the President.

drivel [ driv-uhl ] : used to describe someone who talks nonsense or gives a lot of boring or unnecessary information
thickwit : a stupid person.


'저건 침대가 아니야, 이 멍청한 놈아!' 대통령이 소리쳤다.

The Link-Up

Mr Wonka floated right up close to Charlie. ‘Let’s beat them to it, Charlie,’ he whispered.

Let’s beat them to it : phrase. to do something before someone else does it


웡카 씨는 찰리 바로 옆으로 가까이 다가갔다. "그들을 이기자, 찰리." 그가 속삭였다.

Bunkum and tummyrot! You’ll never get anywhere if you go about what-iffing like that.

Bunkum and tummyrot : nonsense
what-iffing : verb Present participle of what-if


'말도 안돼요! 그런 식으로는 무엇을 하더라도 아무 데도 가지 못할 것입니다.

So you have to use jet propulsion.

propulsion [ pruh-puhl-shuhn ] : The act of moving something forward


그래서 제트 추진을 사용해야 합니다.

You manoeuvre yourself like a spacecraft, but using your mouth as a booster rocket.’

manoeuvre [ muh-noo-ver ] : move skillfully or carefully.


우주선처럼 자신을 조종하지만, 입을 부스터 로켓으로 사용합니다.'

the people inside, slightly blurred through the glass, were no bigger than the pips of the grapefruit.

pip : Pips are the small hard seeds in a fruit such as an apple, orange, or pear


유리를 통해 약간 흐리게 보이는 내부 사람들은 자몽의 씨보다 크지 않아 보였다.

‘I can fly faster than any of you!’ cried Grandpa George, whizzing round and round, his nightgown billowing out behind him like the tail of a parrot.

billowing : (of fabric) filled with air and swelling outward.


'나는 너희들보다 더 빨리 날 수 있어!' 조지 할아버지가 윙윙거리며 빙글빙글 돌았고 그의 뒤에서 잠옷이 앵무새 꼬리처럼 부풀어 올랐다.

The President

She stood no nonsense from anyone.

NOT STAND ANY NONSENSE : idiom (UK also stand no nonsense) to refuse to accept bad or silly behaviour


어느 누구의 허튼수작도 용납 하지 않았다.

He had a false moustache, a false beard, false eyelashes, false teeth and a falsetto voice.

falsetto [ fawl-set-oh ] : an artificially high voice


그는 (the Chief Spy) 인조 콧수염, 인조 수염, 인조 속눈썹, 인조 치아 및 가성 목소리를 가졌다.

The Chief Spy and The President and The Vice-President (from left)


By gum, we’ll soon fix this!’ snapped the President,

by gum : informal + old-fashioned. used to show surprise or determination.
snap : If someone snaps at you, they speak to you in a sharp, unfriendly way.


'이런, 우리는 곧 이것을 고칠 것이다!'라고 대통령이 쏘아붙였다,

All eight of the desperadoes had climbed into the Space Hotel and they had taken their bomb with them.

desperado [ des-puh-rah-doh] : someone who does illegal, violent things without worrying about the danger


8명의 무법자들은 모두 스페이스 호텔로 올라갔고 그들은 폭탄을 가지고 있어요.

Men from Mars


trespass [ tres-puhs ] : enter the owner's land or property without permission.


당신은 미국의 소유지에 침입하고 있다!

in a frenzied unearthly sort of scream he cried, ‘FIMBO FEEZ!’

unearthly [ uhn-urth-lee ] : very strange and unnatural,


그는 미친 듯 비명을 지르며 'FIMBO FEEZ!'라고 외쳤다.

Invitation to the White House

He was doubled up with silent laughter, shaking all over and hopping from one foot to the other.

double up : bend over or curl up, typically because one is overcome with pain or laughter.


그는 배를 움켜잡으며 소리없는 웃음을 지었다. 온몸을 떨며 한 발에서 다른 발로 깡충깡충 뛰었다.

Something Nasty in the Lifts

Mr Wonka, who had swung quickly around to look when the first scream came, was as dumbstruck as the rest.

dumbstruck [ duhm-struhk ] : so shocked or surprised as to be unable to speak.


첫 번째 비명이 들려왔을 때 재빨리 몸을 돌려 살펴보던 웡카 씨는 나머지 사람들처럼 어안이 벙벙했다.

But now they began travelling slowly across to Charlie and Grandpa Joe and the others by the bed, settling upon them and gazing at them with a cold malevolent stare.

malevolent [ muh-lev-uh-luhnt ] : having or showing a wish to do evil to others.


하지만 이제 그들의 시선은 찰리와 조 할아버지와 침대 옆의 다른 사람들에게 천천히 이동하기 시작했고, 사악한 시선으로 그들을 응시했다.

gazing at them with a cold malevolent stare

each one elongating itself slowly upward, growing taller and taller,

elongate [ ih-lawng-geyt ] : to become or make something become longer, and often thinner


각자 천천히 위로 뻗어나가며 키가 점점 커지고,

The Vermicious Knids

the marrow would have run out of your bones! You’d have been fossilized with fear and glued to the ground!

marrow [ mar-oh ] : the substance of the spinal cord


골수가 뼈에서 빠져나와, 두려움으로 화석화되어 땅에 붙었을 것이다!

You’d have been rasped into a thousand tiny bits, grated like cheese and flocculated alive!

rasp : to rub with something rough
flocculate [ flok-yuh-leyt ] : form or cause to form into small clumps or masses.


당신은 치즈처럼 갈려서 산 채로 응결되어 수천 개의 작은 조각으로 쪼개졌을 것입니다!

Here Mr Wonka paused and ran the tip of a pink tongue all the way around his lips. ‘VERMICIOUS KNIDS!’

Vermicious : pertaining to, or characteristic of worms.
vermicious KNIDS : The Vermicious Knids are a type of dangerous alien creature in the works of Roald Dahl.


여기서 웡카 씨는 잠시 멈추고 핑크색 혀 끝으로 입술을 핥았다. 'Vermicious KNIDS!'

The Great Glass Elevator & The Vermicious Knids

