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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 196 ~ page 217)

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 196 ~ page 217) 영어 단어, 표현 공부


PAGE 196
Well, me and Rowley have officially been ex-friends for about a month now,
officially (사실이 아닐지 모르지만 대중들에게) 공식(외부) 적으로 알려지기로
ex-friends 전 친구
ex- 접두사 <’ 이전의 … 임’을 나타냄>

and to be honest with you, I’m better off without him.
be better off 형편이 더 낫다
: If you say that someone would be better off doing something, you are advising them to do it or expressing the opinion that it would benefit them to do it.

Lately I’ve been hanging out in Rodrick’s room after school and going through his stuff.
hang out (…에서) 많은 시간을 보내다.
go through 뒤지다
: SEARCH go through something to search something in order to find something in particular

The other day, I found one of his middle school yearbooks.
the other day 일전에, 며칠 전에
yearbook 졸업 앨범


Greg found a Rodrick's yearbook

Every once in a while, I see Rodrick’s old classmates around town.
every once in a while 가끔 (이따금)
old classmates (알고 지낸 지가) 오래된 학교 반 친구

But the page in Rodrick’s yearbook that’s really interesting is the Class Favorites page.

Rodrick의 졸업앨범에 있는 정말 흥미로운 페이지는 Class Favorites 페이지다.

That’s where they put pictures of the kids who get voted Most Popular and Most Talented and all that.
all that 등등 : everything of the same or related sort


PAGE 198

on Rodrick's Class Favorites page

this Class Favorites thing has really got my gears turning.
gear n. 기어, 장치
get my gears turning 생각하게 만들다
: It means the mind is working, even if that person is not saying anything out loud. The “wheels turning” are a metaphor for forward movement.

you’re practically an immortal.
practically [ prak-tik-lee ] adv. 사실상, 거의, 실제로
immortal [ ih-mawr-tl ] adj. 불후의, 불멸의

PAGE 199

Bill Watson at the Food Barn

This school year has been kind of a bust, but if I can get voted as a Class Favorite, I’ll go out on a high note.
bust n. 실패작 a failure
I go out on a high note 성공적으로 끝내다
: To finish, complete, or leave (something) at a successful, impressive, or climactic point.

I’ve been trying to think of a category I have a shot at.
I have a shot at ..에 기회가 있다
: to attempt to do something successfully —often + at

so I’m going to have to find something that’s a little bit more in reach.
in reach 손이 미치는 곳에
: close enough to be touched or picked up

PAGE 200
and she dresses like a Pilgrim.
Pilgrim [ pil-grim, -gruhm ] n. 순례자


Greg &amp;amp;amp;amp; Jenna Stewart

I should go for Class Clown.

go for ..을 노리다, 시도하다
Clown n. 광대, 어릿광대 같은 사람

It’s not like I’m known for being real funny at school or anything,
be known for ~로 알려져 있다.

but if I can pull off one big prank right before voting,
pull off 성공적으로 해내다
: succeed in achieving or winning something difficult.

prank n. (농담으로 하는) 장난




PAGE 201
I was going to sneak a thumbtack onto Mr. Worth’s chair in History
sneak v. (흔히 허락을 받지 않고) 몰래 하다 (가져가다)
thumbtack [ thuhm-tak ] n. 압정

so we’re going to have a substitute.
substitute [ suhb-sti-toot, -tyoot ] n. (다른 누구 무엇을) 대신하는 사람(것), 대리자

Subs are like comic gold.

sub : short for substitute
comic gold : classic comedy, great comedy, superior comedy.
comedy gold : a piece of entertainment, joke, situation or person that is extremely funny

PAGE 202
I walked into my History class today, ready to execute my plan.
execute [ ek-si-kyoot ] v. 실행(수행)하다

The substitute teacher was Greg's Mom

She used to be one of those parents who came in to help out in the classroom.
used to ..하곤 했다, 과거 한때는 (예전에는) ..이었다.
help out (특히 곤경에 처한 ~를) 도와주다

Mom volunteered to be a chaperone for our field trip
chaperone [ shap-uh-rohn ] n. 보호자
: A chaperone is someone who accompanies another person somewhere in order to make sure that they do not come to any harm.

PAGE 203
Anyway, Mom totally foiled my plan to win Class Clown.
foil vt. (특히 불법적인 것을) 좌절시키다(저지하다)

called Biggest Mama’s Boy, because after today, I’d win that one in a landslide.
landslide [ land-slahyd ] n. (선거에서) 압도적인 득표(승리)


PAGE 205
I almost lost my lunch when Mr. Worth dropped his chalk in History class
lost my lunch 거의 토할 뻔 했다.
: Lost my lunch refers to something that makes you sick to your stomach - something that is gross or disgusting. It literally means that it made you sick (throw up, vomit etc.)


PAGE 206
This “Zoo-Wee Mama” thing has really got me worked up.
‘Zoo-Wee Mama’ 때문에 정말 짜증이 난다.
get someone worked up : If someone is worked up, they are angry or upset.

Rowley is getting all the credit for a comic that we came up with together.
come up with ..을 생산하다, 제시(제안) 하다

as the co-creator.
co-creator n. 공동 창조자
: someone who creates something jointly with another person or people.


we attracted a crowd.
attract [ uh-trakt ] v. (어디로) 끌어들이다 (끌어 모으다)
crowd n. 집단(사람들)


PAGE 207
The kids at my school are always itching to see a fight.
itch v. (몹시 ..하고 싶어 몸이) 근질거리다


because he just started prancing around like a leprechaun.
prance [ prans, prahns ] v. 깡총거리며 다니다
leprechaun [ lep-ruh-kawn, -kon ] n. 레프러콘(아일랜드 민화에 나오는 남자 모습의 작은 요정)



I could take Rowley in a fight,
Rowley랑 싸울 수도 있다.

(이 문장에서의 take someone 은 take someone on과 같은 의미)

: take someone on : to fight or compete against someone or something.

// I'll take you on in a game of chess.

the fact that Rowley takes karate.
karate [ kuh-rah-tee ] n. 가라데 (손발을 이용해서 싸우는 일본 권법)

what kind of hocus-pocus they teach in Rowley’s karate classes,
hocus-pocus n. 마법주문, 말장난, 속임수
: to deceive or trick (someone)

PAGE 208
A bunch of teenagers had stopped their pickup truck, and they started piling out.
pile out 우르르 나오다
: to move out of a place or a vehicle quickly
// She parked the van, and the kids piled out.


That’s when it hit me.
그 순간 난 깨달었다

it hit me : to have a sudden realization.

they had finally caught up with us.
caught up with 따라잡다, 체포하다

PAGE 209
we had our arms pinned behind our backs.
우리는 팔을 등 뒤로 고정했다.
pin v. (잡거나 밀어붙여) 꼼짝 못 하게 하다


Those guys wanted to teach us a lesson for taunting them on Halloween night,
taunt [ tawnt, tahnt ] vt. 놀리다, 비웃다, 조롱하다

it was looking nastier than ever.
nasty [ nas-tee ] adj. (아주 나빠서) 끔찍한, 형편없는
than ever 늘보다, 즉 평상시보다

PAGE 210
The big teenager must have caught my eye,

그 덩치 큰 십 대가 내 눈길을 사로잡았음에 틀림없다. 

(덩치 큰 십 대 한명이 치즈를 바라보던 Greg와 눈이 마주친 상황)

caught my eye 눈길을 사로잡다, 눈에 들어오다.

: if something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it. 
: To attract one's attention, often by making eye contact.
// The server still hasn't taken our order—we just can't catch her eye.

Rowley got singled out first.
get singled out 선발되다

SPUTTER [ spuht-er ] v. (분노. 충격으로) 식식거리며 (더듬거리며) 말하다



PAGE 211
I wasn’t going to be able to fight my way out of this situation.
나는 이 상황에서 벗어나기 위해 싸울 수 없을 것 같았다. 

fight one's way 싸우며 나아가다, 곤란을 무릅쓰고 나아가다

: to move forward or make progress by pushing, fighting, or struggling.

// He fought his way through the crowd.

So I did some fast talking instead.
fast talking 남을 구슬리는 화법의, (구슬리기 위해) 빠르게 말하는
: to persuade people with a lot of quick, clever, but usually dishonest talk


I’m allergic to dairy!
be allergic to ~에 알레르기가 있다
dairy (dri)n. 유제품

You’re lucky, punk!
punk n. 애송이

PAGE 212
Rowley finish off the rest of the Cheese,
finish off ~을 마치다
: completely consume something, especially food or drink.

and took off down the road.
take off (특히 서둘러) 떠나다
: to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going

maybe he could have pulled out a couple of his karate moves back there,

아마도 그는 (Rowley) 가라데 동작 몇 개를 그곳에서 꺼낼 수 있었을 것이다.

pull out 끌어내다, 꺼내다 

but something told me to hold off on that thought for right now.
hold off 미루다 (연기하다)
: If you hold off doing something, you delay doing it or delay making a decision about it.


PAGE 214

the same ones who were egging me and Rowley on yesterday afternoon.
egg someone on ~를 부추기다, 꼬드기다
: to urge or encourage (someone) to do something that is usually foolish or dangerous
// He continued to take off his clothes while the crowd egged him on.


before someone put two and two together and figured out that we must have had something to do with it.

put two and two together 이것저것 종합해서 (자기가 보고 들은 것으로) 추측 (추론) 하다

: to make a correct guess based on what one has seen or heard : to figure something out.

// You weren't home so I put two and two together and went back to your office to find you.

your office to find you.

PAGE 215
That’s when I decided to speak up.
speak up 자신의 의견을 솔직하고 공개적으로 말하다
: express one's opinions frankly and openly.

I just decided to get rid of it once and for all.
get rid of 제거하다, 끝내다
once and for all 최종적으로 (완전히)

but boy, was I wrong.
내가 잘못 생각한 것이었다.
was I wrong : If the expression is supposed to convey surprise at being incorrect about a given situation then it is a casual expression used by English speaking Americans. Was I wrong then becomes rhetorical as a statement as you express the FACT that you were indeed wrong when you did not expect to be.

I really wish I had worded my story a little differently.
word v. (특정한) 말 (단어)을 쓰다.


PAGE 216
It got me out of doing the Square Dance unit in Phys Ed,
square dance : 스퀘어 댄스(남녀 4쌍이 한 조를 이루어 사각형으로 마주 보고 서서 시작하는, 미국의 전통 춤)


square dance


PAGE 217


But if he ever gets too big for his britches, I’ll just remind him that he was the guy who ate the _ _ _ _ _ _.

britches [ brich-iz ] n. 바지

britches 이미지

too big for one's britches 자만하고 거만한
: If someone is too big for their britches, they are conceited and have an exaggerated sense of their own importance.


