영어단어/윔피키드 다이어리

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 176 ~ page 195)

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 176 ~ page 195) 영어 단어, 표현 공부

PAGE 176
The paper came out today at lunch time,
come out 생산 (출간) 되다.
: to come into public view : make a public appearancea new magazine has come out

I decided to just play it cool for a while instead.
play it cool 냉정 (침착)하게 대처하다
: If you play it cool, you deliberately behave in a calm, unemotional way because you do not want people to know you are enthusiastic or angry about something.



PAGE 177
I sat at the end of the lunch table so there would be plenty of room for me to start singing autographs for my new fans.
autograph [ aw-tuh-graf, -grahf ] n. (유명인의) 사인

I thought he just meant he fixed spelling mistakes and stuff like that, but he totally butchered it.

나는 선생이 철자 오류나 그런 것들을 고쳤다는 뜻인 줄 알았는데, 완전히 엉망으로 만들었다.
butcher [ booch-er ] vt ..을 엉망진창으로 만들다
: to mess up; botch

PAGE 178
So I’m pretty sure I won 't be signing autographs anytime soon.

그래서 조만간 사인을 하지 않아도 될 것 같다.
sign v. (서류편지 등에) 서명하다


PAGE 179
Rowley Jefferson, report to Mr. Winsky's office immediately.
report to ..에게 보고하다
: If you report to a person or place, you go to that person or place and say that you are ready to start work or say that you are present.


he looked pretty shaken up.
be shaken up 충격을 받은, 당황한
: If you are shaken up by an unpleasant experience, or if something shakes you up, it makes you feel shocked and upset, and unable to think calmly or clearly.

Apparently Mr. Winsky got a call from a parent who said they witnessed Rowley “terrorizing” the kindergartners
witness [ wit-nis ] v. (사건사고를) 목격하다
terrorize [ ter-uh-rahyz ] vt. 공포에 떨게 (사로잡히게) 하다

PAGE 180
and said his actions “disrespected the badge.”
disrespect [ dis-ri-spekt ] vt. 무시하다

You know, I think I might just know what this is all about.
might 조동사 (불확실한 추측을 나타내어) ..할지(일지)도 모른다.

Rowley had to take a quiz during fourth period,
take a quiz 시험을 치다, 테스트를 받다.

Greg chased the kids with the worms

there were a lot of worms on the sidewalk.
worm 지렁이 (땅 속에 사는) 벌레

sidewalk [ sahyd-wawk ] n. 보도, 인도 


PAGE 181
and she yelled at me from her front porch.
porch n. 현관 


because I was borrowing his coat.
borrow [ bor-oh, bawr-oh ] v. 빌리다

I forgot about the whole incident until today.
incident [ in-si-duhnt ] n. (특히 특이하거나 불쾌한) 일 (사건)

and that he's suspended from Patrols for a week.
suspend [ suh-spend ] v. 중단하다, 정직 (정학) 시키다.
: If someone is suspended, they are prevented from holding a particular job or position for a fixed length of time or until a decision is made about them.



PAGE 182
it was me who chased the kids with the worms.
chase v. 뒤쫓다

But I wasn't ready to set the record straight just yet.
set (put) the record straight 오해를 바로잡다
: to tell people the truth about something, because you want to be sure that they understand what the truth really is

I'd lose my hot chocolate privileges. 핫초코 특권을 잃을 것이다
privilege [ priv-uh-lij, priv-lij ] n. 특전(특혜), 특권

And that right there was enough to make me keep quiet for the time being.
for the time being 당분간

so she came up to my room afterward to talk. 그래서 엄마는 나중에 내 방으로 와서 이야기 했다.
afterward [ af-ter-werd, ahf- ] adv. 후에, 나중에

I told her I was in a tough situation, and I didn't know what to do.
tough situation 힘든 상황
: A difficult or unpleasant situation.

I got to give Mom credit for how she handled it.
give someone credit 공로를 인정하다

PAGE 183
I was up all night tossing and turning over this Rowley situation,
be (stay) up all night 온밤을 꼬박 지새우다.
: it simply means awake all night.
toss and turn 누워서 잠 못 들고 이리저리 뒤적이는 것
: to move about and turn over in bed because one is unable to sleeptossing and turning all night


I decided the right thing to do was to just let Rowley take one for the team this time around.
이번에는 나는 Rowley가 팀을 위해 희생을 하는 것이 옳다고 결정했다.


take one for the team 팀을 위해 희생하다
: To sacrifice one's own welfare or interests in favor of others'.

this time around (반복되는 것에 대해서) 이번에는
: This time around may mean it has happened before and/or I think it will happen again.


On the way home from school, I came clean with Rowley
학교에서 집으로 가는 길에, Rowley에게 사실을 털어놓았다.

come clean (사실을) 털어놓다
: If you come clean about something that you have been keeping secret, you admit it or tell people about it.

PAGE 184
To be honest with you, my message didn't seem to be getting through to Rowley.

솔직히 말해서, 내 메시지가 Rowley에게 전달되지 않은 것 같았다.

get through to ..에게 말하려는 내용을 이해하게 만드는 데 성공하다
: If you get through to someone, you succeed in making them understand something that you are trying to tell them.


he said he was just going to go home and take a nap.
take a nap 낮잠을 자다

PAGE 185
every once in a while, it's not such a bad idea to listen to your mother.
every once in a while 가끔 (이따금)
: sometimes but not often : from time to time : occasionallyWe still see each other every once in a while.



SLURP v. (무엇을 마시면서) 후루룩 소리를 내다, 후루룩 마시다.

PAGE 186


I knew it was just a matter of time before I got busted for what happened last week.
get busted v. (주로 부정적인 일을 하다가) 걸리다, 적발되다, 발각되다.
: To be caught in the act of wrongdoing, bad behavior, or lying.

Mr. Winsky told me that an “anonymous source” had informed him that I was the real culprit in the worm-chasing incident.

anonymous [ uh-non-uh-muhs ] adj. 익명인

anonymous source 익명의 제보자

culprit [ kuhl-prit ] n. 범인, (문제를 일으킨) 장본인


Then he told me I was relieved of my Safety Patrol duties “effective immediately.”
be relieved of one's duty 직위 해제되다.
: If someone is relieved of their duties or is relieved of their post, they are told that they are no longer required to continue in their job.

PAGE 187
it doesn't take a detective to figure out that the anonymous source was Rowley.

익명의 정보원이 Rowley라는 걸 알아내는 데 탐정은 필요 없다.
detective [ dih-tek-tiv ] n. 형사, 수사관, 탐정
take a detective 탐정을 데리고 가다

I can't believe Rowley went and backstabbed me like that.
backstab [ bak-stab ] vt. 중상[모함]하다

I need to remember to give my friend a lecture about loyalty.
나는 친구에게 충성심에 대해 진지하게 말 할 필요가 있다.
give someone a lecture
: an angry or serious talk given to someone in order to criticize their behaviour:

Rowley got reinstated as a Patrol.
reinstate [ ree-in-steyt ] vt. (직장.직책 등에로) 복귀시키다

Mr. Winsky said Rowley had “exhibited dignity under false suspicion.”
Mr. Winsky는 Rowley가 “거짓 의혹 속에서 위엄을 과시했다”라고 말했다.
exhibit [ ig-zib-it ] v. (감정특질 등을) 보이다 (드러내다)
dignity [ dig-ni-tee ] n. 위엄, 품위

PAGE 188
I thought about really letting Rowley have it for ratting me out like that,
날 그렇게 변절하고 배신한 Rowley에게 한바탕 해야겠다고 생각했다.

let someone have it
: to attack someone, either with words or physically

rat me out 밀고하다, 변절하여 배신하다, 버리고 도망가다
: to reveal incriminating or embarrassing information about someone.

all the officers in the Safety Patrols go on a trip to Six Flags,
안전 순찰대에 있는 모든 경찰관들은 Six Flags (식스 플래그 공원)로 여행을 떠난다.


Six Flags 6개의 국기
The name "Six Flags" originally referred to the flags of the six different nations that have governed Texas: Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States (Union) and the Confederate States of America. Six Flags parks are still divided into different themed sections, although many of the original areas from the first three parks have been replaced.

I need to make sure Rowley knows I'm his guy.

내가 Rowley가 찾고 있는 그 사람이다 라는 것을 확인시켜줄 필요가 있다.

I'm your (one's) man! 

: I am the person you are looking for!

the worst part of getting kicked off Safety Patrols is losing your hot chocolate privileges.

be kicked off 쫓겨나다
: To kick someone off an area of land means to force them to leave it.

Every morning, I go to the back door of the cafeteria so Rowley can hook me up.
매일 아침, 나는 Rowley가 (핫초코를) 나눠줄 수 있도록 식당 뒷문으로 간다.
hook me up
: Share with Me.

PAGE 189
But either my friend has gone deaf or he's too busy kissing the other officers' butts to notice me at the window.
kiss one's butt (kiss someone's as) 아부하다
informal + impolite
: to be nice to someone in order to be liked by or to get something from him or herHe says he doesn't want a promotion if he has to kiss his boss's ass to get it.

Rowley has been totally giving me the cold shoulder lately.
give someone the cold shoulder ..에게 냉담하게 대하다
: to ignore or shun someone

He's the one that sold me out.
sell someone out 배신하다
: to betray someone; to reveal damaging information about someone.

I tried to break the ice with him today,
break the ice 서먹서먹한 (딱딱한) 분위기를 깨다
: If you break the ice at a party or meeting, or in a new situation, you say or do something to make people feel relaxed and comfortable.


Greg tried to break the ice with Rowley

PIFF 감탄사 빵빵, 탕탕 (총소리 따위)

PAGE 190
What really stinks is that Collin is supposed to be my backup friend.
backup friend 만만한 친구,
: A person who is someone you know and are "friends" with, but isn't treated like a friend. You are treated like an acquaintence. This is a person one only talks to when their actual friends are away.

Those guys are acting totally ridiculous.

저 녀석들은 완전히 우스꽝스럽게 행동하고 있다.
ridiculous [ ri-dik-yuh-luhs ] adj. 웃기는, 말도 안 되는, 터무니없는
: If you say that something or someone is ridiculous, you mean that they are very foolish.

and it made me just about want to vomit.
vomit [ vom-it ] v. 토하다, 게우다


I saw Rowley and Collin walking up the hill together, chumming it up.
chum up 친해지다, 어울리다
: to become friends, or to spend time with someone in a friendly way

PAGE 191
so I knew they were going to do a sleepover at Rowley's.
sleepover n. (아이들이나 청소년들이 한 집에 모여) 함께 자며 놀기, 밤샘 파티

And I thought, Well, two can play at that game.
two can play at that game. 게임은 혼자 하는 게 아니지(자신을 속인 상대방에게 자기도 똑같이 할 수 있다는 뜻에서 하는 말)
: used to tell someone that they will not have an advantage over you by doing something because you can do it too



PANT v. (숨을) 헐떡이다

PAGE 192
I invited myself into Fregley's house, 
나는 Fregley의 집으로 들어갔다. (나는 내 자신을 Fregley의 집으로 초대하였다.)

she was excited to see Fregley with a “playmate,” which was a term I was not too enthusiastic about.
그의 엄마는 “놀이친구”와 있는 Fregley를 보고 매우 흥분된다 하셨지만, 나는 그 용어에 그다지 열광하진 않았다.
playmate [ pley-meyt ] n. (아이의) 놀이 친구
term n. 용어, 말


I stayed ten feet away from him at all times.
at all times 항상 (언제나)

I should just pull the plug on this stupid idea and go home.
pull the plug 중단하다, 그만두다
: If someone in a position of power pulls the plug on a project or on someone's activities, they use their power to stop them continuing.

PAGE 193
But things started to get out of hand with Fregley pretty quickly.
get out of hand 과도해지다, 감당할 수 없게 되다
: If a person or a situation gets out of hand, you are no longer able to control them.

Fregey broke into my backpack and ate the whole bag of jelly beans
break into 침입하다
jelly beans 

he was bouncing off the walls.
be bouncing off the walls (힘이 넘치거나 너무 들떠서) 잠시도 가만히 있지를 못하다
: If someone is bouncing off the walls, they are acting in a very uncontrolled and excited way. After another cup of coffee Holly was bouncing off the walls.


Fregley ate the whole bag of jelly beans

Fregley started acting like a total maniac, and he chased me all around his upstairs.

maniac [ mey-nee-ak ] n. 미치광이 

I kept thinking he was going to come down off of his sugar high, but he didn't.

나는 Fregley가 설탕으로 인한 과잉 행동이 사라지면 더 차분해질 것이라고 계속 생각했었지만 그는 그렇지 않았다.

come down off 사라지다 (차츰 없어지다)
: Macquarie Dictionary defines come down off as follows: to cease to feel the heightened effects of (a drug, an exhilarating experience, etc.)
: So it means that he was going to become calmer when his sugar-induced hyperactivity wears off.


sugar high 과도한 당 섭취에 따른 일시적 과잉 흥분

Eventually, I locked myself in his bathroom to wait him out.
결국, 나는 Fregley가 조용해질 때까지 기다리기 위해 화장실에 들어가서 문을 잠갔다.

to wait someone out (wait out someone or something) ..가 그만둘 때까지 기다리기 위하여
: to wait and do nothing until something unpleasant has ended

PAGE 194
I chased you with a booger on my finger.
booger [ boog-er ] n. 코딱지


PAGE 195
That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.
black out 의식을 잃다
: to become unconscious suddenly but for a short period

I came to my senses a few hours later.
come to one's senses 정신을 차리다
: Return to thinking or behaving sensibly and reasonably; recover consciousness.

I heard snoring coming from Fregley's room.
snore v. 코를 골다

So I decided to make a run for it.
make a run for it 필사적으로 (급히) 도망치다

But by that point, I could really care less. 하지만 그 시점에서, 나는 정말로 덜 신경 쓸 수 있었다.
by that point 그 시점
: by that point is talking about a certain point in time

could care less 걱정하지 않거나 관심이 전혀 없었다
: not concerned or interested at all



CLACK v. (단단한 두 물체가 맞부딪쳐) 딸깍딸깍 (딱딱) 하는 소리를 내다

