영어단어/윔피키드 다이어리

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 141~ page 155)

영어꾸러기 2021. 12. 30. 08:00

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 141~ page 155) 영어 단어, 표현 공부

PAGE 141
Well, he broke his hand, and now he has to wear a cast.
Rowley는 손을 다쳤고, 이제 깁스를 해야 한다.

break : If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits.

cast : 깁스 (붕대) A cast is the same as a plaster cast.

everyone was crowding around him like he was a here or something.
crowd around 주변에 몰려들다
: When people crowd around someone or something, they gather closely together around them.



PAGE 142
I tried to cash in on some of Rowley’s new popularity,
cash in on ..을 이용하다, ..에 편승하다
popularity [ pop-yuh-lar-i-tee ] n. 인기



meanie [ mee-nee ] n. (특히 아이들 말로) 쩨쩨한 사람, 심술궂은 사람

: Informal a person who is mean, selfish, cruel, etc.

What really ticks me off about that is that Rowley is right-handed,
tick somebody off ~를 화나게 하다.
: If you tick someone off, you speak angrily to them because they have done something wrong.

right-handed 오른손잡이인

PAGE 143
I realized Rowley’s injury thing is a pretty good racket, Rowley의 부상은 꽤 괜찮은 소음 거리라는 것을 깨달았다.
racket n. 시끄러운 소리, 소음


It’s a raging infection caused by a splinter that was left untreated!
치료하지 않고 방치된 가시에 의한 극심한 감염이다.

rage [ reyj ] vi. (질병 화재 등이) 급속히 번지다.
infection [ in-fek-shuhn ] n. 간염
splinter [ splin-ter ] n. (나무금속유리 등의) 조각[가시],
be left untreated 치료되지 않은 채로 남겨지다.

I couldn’t figure out / why the girls weren’t swarming me / like they swarmed Rowley,
나는 알 수 없었다 / 왜 여자애들은 나에게 몰려들지 않는지 / 여자애들이 Rowley에게 몰려드는 거처럼
swarm [ swawrm ]

vi. 떼(무리)를 지어 다니다.
vt. ..에 떼 지어 몰려들다.

the cast is a great gimmick.
gimmick [ gim-ik ] n. (관심을 끌기 위한) 술책

PAGE 144
Would you like to be the first one to sign my sympathy sheet?
sympathy [ sim-puh-thee ] n. 동정, 동조, 지지


That idea was a total bust, too. 그 아이디어도 완전히 실패였다.
bust : a failure, esp a financial one; bankruptcy

PAGE 145
One of the classes I signed up for is something called Independent Study.

sign up for ~을 신청(가입) 하다
Independent [ in-di-pen-duhnt ] adj. 독립적인

But being good at sewing does not exactly buy you popularity points at school.
sew [ soh ] v. 바느질하다


Greg has a purse!
purse [ purs ] n. (특히 여성용의 작은) 지갑

Actually it’s an embroidered bookbag.
embroider [ em-broi-der ] v. 수를 놓다.

Ok, pursie.
–ie 접미사는 dictionary.com에 따르면 명사형 어미로, 추가되는 단어를 비격식으로 만든다고 합니다. 여기서는 pursie라는 단어가 purse (지갑)이라는 단어에서 만들어졌고, Greg를 놀리기 위해 쓰인 거 같아요.

: The –ie suffix, is, according to dictionary.com, a noun-forming ending, which makes all the words it is added to informal.
: It is used to form words that are usually informal (birdie, doggie), and to form endearing or familiar names (Millie, Susie) or familiar diminutives (sweetie).

PAGE 146
The idea is that the class gets assigned a project,
get assigned 배정 받다.

Ricky’s big claim to fame is that he’ll pick the gum off the bottom of a desk
claim to fame 크게 유명해진 이유
: something that someone or something is famous for or that makes someone or

something important or interestingHis claim to fame is the invention of the stapler.

The restaurant's claim to fame is its barbecue sauce.


At first everybody kind of freaked out,
freak out 질겁하다
: If someone freaks out, or if something freaks them out, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.

because we thought we were going to have to build the robot from scratch.
from scratch 아무런 사전 준비(지식) 없이, 맨 처음부터
: from the beginning, without using anything that already exists

PAGE 147
and we were on our own. 우리가 알아서 했다.
on one’s own 혼자서, 자력으로,

We started brainstorming right away.
brainstorming [ breyn-stawr-ming ] n. 창조적 집단 사고, 브레인스토밍(무엇에 대해 여러 사람들이 동시에 자유롭게 자기 생각을 제시하는 방법)


They erased my list and drew up their own plan.
draw up 작성하다
: If you draw up a document, list, or plan, you prepare it and write it out.

PAGE 148
and have ten types of lip gloss on its fingertips.
fingertips 손끝


PAGE 149
But then someone else pointed out that you shouldn’t be able to use bad words for your name,
point out 가리키다, 지적하다

because the robot shouldn’t be able to curse.
curse [ kurs ] v. 욕을 하다, 악담을 퍼붓다.


So Ricky ended up being one of the most valuable contributors on this project.
contributors [ kuhn-trib-yuh-ter ] n. 기여자

PAGE 150
they had a general assembly and showed the movie
assembly (학교에서의) 조례


PAGE 151
they made an announcement that there are some openings on the Safety Patrols,
make an announcement 공지하다
openings 공석, 빈 자리
open : If something such as an offer or job is open, it is available for someone to accept or apply for.
Safety Patrol 안전 순찰단

If someone picks on a Safety Patrol, it can get them suspended.
pick on 비난하다, 혹평하다, 괴롭히다
get someone suspended ~가 정학을 당하다.

PAGE 152
I thought Mr. Winsky would make us do a bunch of chin-ups or jumping jacks or something to prove we were up for the job,
chin-up 턱걸이
jumping jack 팔 벌려 높이뛰기
be up for 기꺼이 ~을 하려고 하다.
: informal. to want to do something: We're going clubbing tonight if you're up for it.


but he just handed us our belts and badges on the spot.
on the spot 즉각 (즉석에서), 현장에서

PAGE 153
they’ve got a half-day kindergarten there.
half-day 반 나절

kindergarten [ kin-der-gahr-tn, -dn ] n. 유치원

But I gave him a wicked pinch underneath the desk before he could finish his sentence.
wicked adj. 못된, 사악한, 짓궂은
pinch n. 꼬집기


I was getting instant bully protection
bully n. (약자를) 괴롭히는 사람, v. 괴롭히다
protection [ pruh-tek-shuhn ] n. 보호

and a free pass from half of Pre-Algebra, and I didn’t even have to lift a finger.
Pre-Algebra : Algebra(대수학)의 전 단계로써 중학과정에서 필수로 거치게 되는 수학 과정.
not lift a finger 손가락 하나 까딱 않다, 노력하지 않다, 아무것도 하지 않다

: to make not even a small attempt; do nothing


PAGE 154
for the free hot chocolate they hand out to the other Patrols before homeroom.
homeroom [ hohm-room, -room ] n. 홈룸

(학생들이 출석 점호 등을 위해 등교하면 모이는 교실. 또는 그 교실에서 보내는 시간



CLINK [ klingk ] v. 쨍그랑하는 소리를 내다.

Another great perk is that you get to show up ten minutes late for first period.
perk n. (급료 이외의) 특전

PAGE 155
I’ve got it made with this Safety Patrol thing.
have (got) it made 성공을 확신하다, 원하는 모든 것을 가지다.
: to be certain to be successful and have a good life, often without much effort:
With his father at the head of the firm, he's got it made.

But one of the kindergartners started to smell a little funny,
kindergartner [ kin-der-gahrt-ner, -gahrd- ] n. 유치원생

smell funny : 이상한 냄새가 나다



TUG v. (세게) 잡아당기다

I didn’t sign up for any diaper duty.
diaper [ dahy-per, dahy-uh-per ] n. (아기의) 기저귀
duty [ doo-tee ] n. 직무, 업무

