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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 156~ page 175)

영어꾸러기 2021. 12. 31. 16:00

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 156~ page 175) 영어 단어, 표현 공부

PAGE 156
I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
slack off 게으름을 부리다 (태만해지다)

So I was psyched.
psyched adj. (특히 곧 있을 일에 대해) 들뜬 (흥분한)

: excited
// We're so psyched about this new project.

Our goal is to get into the “Guinness Book of World Records.”
get into ..에 들어가다, 타다, (목적지 따위)에 도착하다

PAGE 157
But every time we’ve gotten serious about going for the record,
get serious 진지하게 집중하기 시작하다
: to begin to seriously focus on something,

and we’ve missed our window of opportunity.
window of opportunity 호기, 절호의 기회, 목표 달성 가능한 한정 시간대
: If you say that there is a window of opportunity for something, you mean that there is an opportunity to do something but that this opportunity will only last for a short time and so it needs to be taken advantage of quickly.


if we wanted to have a shot at breaking the record.
have a shot at ~할 확률이 높다, 가능성이 크다
: To have a chance to achieve, attain, or have success in something.

break the record 기록을 깨뜨리다

and we had to take a bunch of breaks in between rolls so we could catch our breath.
take a break 휴식을 취하다
: to stop doing something for a short period of time, especially in order to rest or to focus one's energy elsewhere.


bunch n. (양수가) 많음
: A bunch of things is a number of things, especially a large number.

catch our breath 숨을 고르다, 제대로 숨을 쉬다
: When you catch your breath while you are doing something energetic, you stop for a short time so that you can start breathing normally again.

PAGE 158

GRUNT! v. 끙 앓는 소리를 내다 (특히 아프거나 짜증스럽거나 흥미가 없어서 내는 소리)
WHEEZE! v. (숨쉬기가 힘이 들어서) 쌕쌕거리다

So we got a little free labor out of her.
labor [ ley-ber ] n. 노동, 근로
out of someone 다른 사람으로부터

: If you get something such as information or work out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you, usually when they are unwilling to give it.

PAGE 159

it tore up all the sod Dad had just laid down this fall.
tear up 망쳐놓다.
sod n. 잔디가 자라는 땅의 표면
: If something such as a road, railway, or area of land is torn up, it is completely removed or destroyed.

Our plan to build the world’s biggest snowman was starting to fall apart.
fall apart v. 다 허물어질 (부서질) 정도이다
: If something falls apart, it breaks into pieces because it is old or badly made.

the kids from Whirley Street use our hill for sledding,
sledding [ sled-ing ] n. 썰매 타기

PAGE 160
when the Whirley Street kids come marching up our hill, me and Rowley are going to teach those guys a lesson.
teach someone a lesson 따끔하게 혼내다.
: If you say that you are going to teach someone a lesson, you mean that you are going to punish them for something that they have done so that they do not do it again.


I watched Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddly crumbs of snow that were left over from our snowball.
piddly adj. 사소한, 하찮은

: pathetically trivial; trifling.

// (ex) piddling little questions

crumb n. 작은 것, 약간, 소량

PAGE 161
I really couldn’t help doing what I did next,
cannot help …ing .. 하지 않고는 못 배기다



PUNT n. 펀트(손에 쥔 공을 떨어뜨려 그것이 바닥에 닿기 전에 길게 차는 것)
: a kick in certain sports, such as rugby, in which the ball is released and kicked before it hits the ground

PAGE 162
so I knew I was in for it.
be in for it 골치 아프게 (벌을 받게) 될

he reduced all our hard work to nothing.
reduce [ ri-doos, -dyoos ] v. (규모. 크기. 양 등을) 줄이다 (축소하다)


PAGE 163
I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened.
get a kick out of (구어) 쾌감을 느끼다
: to find something interesting and funny, to be amused by something, to laugh about something or to get pleasure out of something.

But I guess he had his heart set on rolling that snowball down the hill,
have one’s heart set on ..하기로 마음을 굳히다, 작심하다
: to want something very much She has her heart set on a new bicycle.

I told Rowley he was being a big baby, and we got in a shoving match.
shoving match (두 사람 혹은 두 개의 세력이 주로 물리적으로 맞부딪치는) 대치 상황
: two people angrily shoving each otherThey got into a shoving match.


Right when it looked like we were going to get in an all-out fight, we got ambushed from the street.

all-out 총력을 기울인, 전면적인
: You use all-out to describe actions that are carried out in a very energetic and determined way, using all the resources available.

ambush [ am-boosh ] vt. 매복했다가 습격하다

PAGE 164
It was a hit-and-run by the Whirley Street kids.
hit-and-run adj. 뺑소니의, 기습적인

I’m sure she would have said the whole situation was “ironic.”
ironic [ ahy-ron-ik ] adj. 역설(모순)적인


they announced there’s an opening for the cartoonist job in the school paper.
cartoonist n. 만화가

There’s only one comic slot, and up until now this kid named Bryan Little has been hogging it all to himself.

comic adj. 웃기는, 재미있는
slot n. 자리 (시간, 틈)

up until now 여태까지, 지금까지

: previously, before this moment, in the past.

hog v. 독차지 하다.

(all) to oneself 혼자 (독차지하는)
have (someone or something) (all) to oneself
: to be in a situation in which one is not required to share someone or something with anyone else

PAGE 165
Bryan has this comic called “Wacky Dawg,” and when it started off,
Wacky [ wak-ee ] adj. 익살스러운, 괴짜의
Dawg n. 개 (dog)
: a way of writing the word "dog" as it sounds

: when some people say it used when talking to a male friend
// What's up, dawg?

start off (어떤 일이) 시작되다 (시작하다)

Bryan’s been using his strip to handle his personal business.
cartoon strip 연재만화
: A cartoon strip is a series of drawings that tells a story.

I guess that’s why they gave him the axe.
give someone the axe 해고하다
: informal, to dismiss (someone) from a job : to fire (someone)

// His boss gave him the ax.

I wanted to get in on some of that kind of fame.
fame n. 명성

I had a taste of what it’s like to be famous at my school when I won honorable mention in this antismoking contest they had.
have a taste of ..에 대한 짧은 경험을 하다.
: If you have a taste of a particular way of life or activity, you have a brief experience of it.

PAGE 166
All I did was trace a picture from one of Rodrick’s heavy metal magazines,
trace a picture 투명종이를 덮고 그 아래 선을 그려서 복사하다.
: If you trace a picture, you copy it by covering it with a piece of transparent paper and drawing over the lines underneath.

The kid who won first place is named Chris Carney.
win first place 1착으로 입상하다

PAGE 167
Me and Rowley decided to team up and do a cartoon together.
team up (..와) 조를 짜 일하다, 협력하다
do a cartoon 만화를 그리다.

We banged out a bunch of characters real quick,
bang out 단숨에 해치우다
: to produce (something) in a quick or hurried manner

When we tried to think up some jokes, we kind of hit a wall.
hit a wall 한계에 부딪치다.
: to come to a point beyond which there is no further progress


I made up a cartoon where the punch line of every strip is “Zoo-Wee Mama!”
punch line (농담에서) 핵심이 되는 (결정적인) 구절
: The punchline of a joke or funny story is its last sentence or phrase, which gives it its humour.

That way we wouldn’t get bogged down with having to write actual jokes,
bog down 교착 상태에 빠지다, 꼼짝 못 하게 하다, 가라앉다.
: If you get bogged down in something, it prevents you from making progress or getting something done.

PAGE 169
there was a pretty obvious drop in quality once Rowley started doing the writing.
drop n. 하락, 감소
quality [ kwol-i-tee ] n. 고급 양질

Eventually I got kind of sick of the “Zoo-Wee Mama” idea
get sick of 싫어지다

: To be thoroughly tired of or exasperated by something.


kind of 약간, 어느 정도

PAGE 170
I don’t really want to be partnered up with a kid who doesn’t draw noses,
partner up with ..와 협동하다 (파트너가 되다)
: to join with another person or organization in a business activity:

PAGE 171
I really got to work on some comics.
get to work 일하러 가다

I came up with this character called Creighton the Cretin, and I got on a roll.
on a roll 열중(몰두) 하여, 승운을 타서, 순조롭게,
: making a lot of progress
// If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue.

PAGE 172
I must’ve banged out twenty strips, and I didn’t even break a sweat.
break sweat 열심히 땀을 흘리다 (노력하다)
: start sweating because you are making an effort

PAGE 174
Bill is always in detention, so I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school,
detention [ dih-ten-shuhn ] n. (학생에 대한 벌로서) 방과 후 남게 하기

have a bone to pick with ..에게 따질 말이 있다.
: to want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done

PAGE 175
There were actually one or two decent comics in the bin.
decent [ dee-suhnt ] adj. (수준.질이) 괜찮은 (제대로 된)
bin n. (흔히 뚜껑이 달린 저장용) 통
: a box, frame, crib, or enclosed place used for storage

But I slipped them under a pile of paperwork on Mr. Ira’s desk.
slip v. (재빨리 슬며시) 놓다 (넣다/두다)
paperwork n. 서류 작업, 문서 업무


Hopefully, those ones won’t turn up until I’m in high school.
turn up (잃어버렸던 물건 등이, 특히 뜻밖에) 나타나다 (찾게 되다)
: to appear or come to light unexpectedly or after being lost

