Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 01 ~ Page 11)
영어 단어, 표현 공부
Page 01
I better remember to keep this one locked up.
이걸 잠가두는 걸 기억해야겠다.
locked up : 잠그다
: To lock something in a container or storage space
Rodrick actually got a hold of my LAST journal a few weeks back
Rodrick은 실제로 몇 주 전에 내 마지막 저널을 입수했다.
get ahold of …을 잡다, …와 연결짓다, …을 입수하다
: to get possession of (something)
a few weeks back
: a few weeks ago
But don’t even get me started on THAT story
그 이야기 말도 하지 말자
don’t get me started 해당 주제에 대해서 할 이야기가 많으므로 시작하면 끝이 없으니 시작도 하게 하지 말라는 뜻
: (idiomatic) Used to attempt to avoid or abbreviate a discussion that speaker or hearer may wish to avoid.
Page 02
Even without my Rodrick problems, my summer was pretty lousy.
Rodrick의 문제가 없었더라도, 나의 여름은 꽤 엉망이었다.
lousy [ lou-zee ] adj. 엉망인, 형평 없는
Dad’s got this idea that I’m destined to be a great swimmer or something
아빠는 내가 수영을 잘할 (훌륭한 수영선수가 될) 운명이라는 생각을 갖고 계시다.
destined [ des-tind ] adj. ..할 운명인
Page 03
At my first swim meet a couple of years ago
몇 년 전 나의 첫 수영 대회에서
meet n. 대회
: an organized event at which a number of races or other sporting contests are held.
when the umpire shot off the starter pistol
심판이 출발 신호 권총을 쏘았을 때
umpire [ uhm-pahyuhr ] n. 심판
shoot off (총 등을) 쏘다
: To shoot or launch some ballistic projectile, such as a bullet or a missile,
the starter pistol 출발 신호 권총
the starter gun only fired BLANKS
출발 신호를 알리는 권총은 단지 공포탄만 발사했다.
blanks 공포탄
Page 04
winning "Most Improved" at the awards banquet
시상식에서 "가장 향상된" 상을 수상하다.
at the awards banquet 시상식에서
: a time for celebration
Dad’s still waiting for me to live up to my potential.
아빠는 여전히 내가 잠재력에 부응하기를 기다리고 계신다.
to live up to one’s potential
: we are going to do our best to grow and improve ourselves
the water was always FREEZING cold.
물은 언제나 얼어붙을 정도로 차가웠다.
freezing cold
*** 현재분사가 형용사 앞에 쓰이는 경우
: intensifiers 즉, 다른 말의 뜻을 강화하기 위하여
Certain adjectives have their own ‘special’ intensifiers which are often used with them.
and it offers these examples:
Boiling hot, freezing cold, soaking wet
source : ell.stackexchange.com
Page 05
we were all crammed into two lanes
우리는 모두 두 개의 레인(lane)에 빽빽하게 들어차 있었다.
all crammed into ..에 몰아넣다, 쟁여 넣다.
: to force a lot of things into a small space
I always had somebody on my tail trying to get around me.
항상 누군가가 내 주변을 맴돌고 있었다.
on someone’s tail 바짝 따라붙어
: following someone closely.
get around (여기저기. 이 사람 저 사람에게로) 돌아다니다
: to move from place to place or from person to person
he wouldn’t go for it.
(수영 대신 Water Jazz를 하게 해달라고 설득했으나) 아빠는 허락하지 않았다
go for it 그냥 하다, 시도하다
: you make a big effort to achieve something or you decide to do something
Page 06
swim trunks instead of those skimpy racing trunks
skimpy [ skim-pee ] adj. 몸을 많이 드러내는, 노출이 심한
But Mom said Rodrick’s hand-me-down bathing suit was "perfectly fine."
하지만 엄마는 Rodrick이 물려준 수영복이 “완전히 괜찮다”라고 말했다.
hand-me-down adj. 헌 옷의, n. 물려받은 옷
Page 07
He said the chlorine would ruin his seat.
chlorine [ klawr-een, -in, klohr- ] n. 염소
: the chemical element of atomic number 17, a toxic, irritant, pale green gas.
so I had to squeeze in with all the band equipment.
그래서 나는 모든 밴드 장비와 함께 비집고 들어가 있어야 했다.
squeeze in (타이트한 공간) 비집고 들어가다
: To manage to make room or time for someone or something in a tight space or schedule by or as if by exerting pressure:
I had to pray I didn’t get my head taken off by one of Rodrick’s drums
Rodrick의 드럼 중 하나에 머리가 날아가지 않도록 기도해야 했다.
take off 제거되다
: to remove by death; kill
Page 08
I decided I was pretty much done with swim team
수영팀과는 거의 끝났다고 결심했다.
be done with ..을 끝내다
I’d swim a few laps
몇 바퀴를 수영했다.
lap n. (경주에서 트랙의) 한 바퀴
I’d just hide out in the locker room until practice was over.
연습이 끝날 때까지 라커룸에 숨어있곤 했다.
hide out 숨다, 잠복하다
: go where no one can find you.
*** hide out과 hide의 차이점
hide : 단지 숨어 있는 것
hide out : 누군가 숨어있는 당신을 찾으려고 함을 내포
When you hide, you're just concealing yourself. Maybe you're avoiding an annoying relative, so you go to the bathroom and stay there until they leave. When you "hide out" it implies that someone is actively looking for you and trying to find you. Criminals will "hide out" somewhere because the police are looking for them, for example. In fact, the noun "hideout" refers to a remote or difficult to locate place where criminals will hide out from police.
source reddit.com
Page 09
I had to wrap myself up in toilet paper so I didn’t get hypothermia.
저체온증에 걸리지 않기 위해서 화장지로 몸을 감싸야했다.
wrap up 옷을 따뜻하게 챙겨 입다
hypothermia [ hahy-puh-thur-mee-uh ] n. 저체온증
That’s how I spent a pretty big chunk of my summer vacation.
그렇게 여름 방학의 대부분을 보냈다.
chunk n. 상당히 많은 양
at first I didn’t know WHAT was up.
처음엔 무슨 일인지 몰랐다.
Page 11
Alex is SUPER easy to copy off of,
Alex의 시험지를 베끼기는 너무 쉬웠다.
copy off 복사하다, 사본을 만들다
to copy off of someone 누군가의 페이퍼로부터 복사하다
: you’re copying content from their paper.
So if I ever get in a pinch, it’s nice to know I can count on Alex to bail me out.
만일 내가 곤경에 처하면, Alex가 날 구제해 줄 수 있다는 사실이 기쁘다.
in a pinch 비상시에는, 만일의 경우에
: If you are in a pinch, you are in a difficult situation.
// I'd trust her in a pinch.
count on 의지하다, 믿다
: you rely on them to support you or help you.
bail someone out 곤경에 처한 누군가를 도와주다
: If you bail someone out, you help them out of a difficult situation
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