
The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy - CHAPTER 5 -

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The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy





영어단어 정리


his company had over 16,000 employees and was growing at breakneck speed.
그의 회사에는 16,000명이 넘는 직원이 있었고 엄청난 속도로 성장하고 있었습니다.
breakneck [ˈbreɪknek] adj. 위험할 정도로 빠른, 정신없이 달려가는

An idyllic neighborhood where cul-de-sacs are plentiful and the color-coordinated rooftops stretch endlessly in every direction.
목가적인 동네로 막다른 골목들이 즐비하고 색채가 잘 어우러진 옥상들이 사방으로 끝없이 펼쳐져 있었습니다. 
idyllic [ ahy-dil-ik ] adj. 목가적인

I tried to fathom being at the helm of that kind of growth.
나는 그런 종류의 성장을 책임지고 있는 것을 상상하려고 노력했습니다.

fathom [ˈfæðəm] v. (의미 등을) 헤아리다 [가늠하다]

helm [helm] (배의) 키 (→tiller)
at the helm (조직·사업 등을) 책임지고 있는, 배의 키를 잡고 있는

he seemed unfazed.
그는 동요하지 않는 것처럼 보였습니다.
unfazed [ʌnˈfeɪzd] adj. (뜻밖의 일에) 동요[당황] 하지 않는 (↔fazed)

The number one bottleneck or constraint to the growth of any organization is the leader
조직의 성장을 가로막는 가장 큰 장애물 또는 제약은 리더입니다.
bottleneck n. (차량 흐름이 느려지는) 좁은[번잡한] 도로, 병목 지역, (특히 산업 발전의) 장애물

Are you dominating your marketplace and leaving others slack-jawed and mystified?
당신은 시장을 지배하고 다른 사람들은 놀라워 하고 어리둥절하게 만들고 있습니까?
slack-jawed [-dƷɔ́:d] adj. (놀라움·당혹으로) 입을 딱 벌린
mystify [ˈmɪstɪfaɪ] v. 혼란스럽게[얼떨떨하게] 만들다 (=baffle)

When the country’s not doing well? They want to oust the President!
나라가 잘 안되면? 그들은 대통령을 축출하고 싶어 합니다.
oust [aʊst] v. (일자리·권좌에서) 몰아내다 [쫓아내다/축출하다]

I was looking forward to both improving the team, and earning a few well-earned kudos for my stellar leadership.
저는 팀을 개선하고 제 뛰어난 리더십으로 인해 많은 찬사를 받기를 기대했습니다.
kudos [ˈkuːdɑːs] n. (특정한 성취나 위치에 따르는) 영광 (=prestige)
stellar [ˈstelə(r)] 별의 (→interstellar), 뛰어난

I found a little nook next to a window overlooking the bluffs and the sea, and settled in to gorge myself at the ego buffet.
절벽과 바다가 내려다보이는 창가 옆에 있는 작은 공간을 발견하고, 에고 뷔페에서 맛있게 먹기 위해 자리를 잡았습니다.
nook [nʊk] (아늑하고 조용한) 곳[구석]
gorge [ɡɔːrdʒ] v. 잔뜩 [실컷] 먹다 (=stuff yourself)

When I thought I was being inspiring and encouraging, they thought I was being demeaning and a braggart.
제가 영감을 주고 격려하고 있다고 생각했을 때, 그들은 제가 비하적이고 허풍쟁이라고 생각했습니다.
demeaning [dɪˈmiːnɪŋ] adj. 비하하는, 모욕적인 (=humiliating)
braggart [ brag-ert ] n. 허풍쟁이, 떠버리

that the first few responses were just a fluke.
처음 몇 번의 응답은 그저 요행에 불과했습니다
fluke [fluːk] 요행(수)

I was flabbergasted.
나는 크게 놀랐습니다.
flabbergasted [ ˈflæbəˌɡɑːstɪd ] adj. 크게 놀란 (=astonished)

This was accomplished through pyramids of people arranged in hierarchies who performed a fairly narrow range of tasks within clear guidelines.
이것은 명확한 지침 내에서 상당히 좁은 범위의 작업을 수행하는 계층 구조로 배열된 사람들의 피라미드를 통해 수행되었습니다.
hierarchy [ hahy-uh-rahr-kee ] n. (특히 사회나 조직 내의) 계급[계층], (큰 조직의) 지배층[고위층], (사상·개념 등의) 체계

How’s that for a mind-blowing, nerve-racking leadership challenge?
마음을 설레게 하고 신경을 곤두세우는 리더십 챌린지에는 어떤가요?
nerve-racking adj. 안절부절못하게 하는

The boy, at the urging and prodding of his mother,
소년은 어머니의 재촉과 독촉에 의해
prodding n. 재촉, 촉구

She was flabbergasted. “Why didn’t you just tell him that two weeks ago?” “Because,” replied Gandhi, “two weeks ago I was still eating sweets myself. I could not ask him to stop eating sweets so long as I had not stopped either.”
그녀는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. "왜 2주 전에 그 사실을 말하지 않았습니까?" "왜냐하면, " 간디가 대답했습니다. 나 역시 과자를 먹지 않는 한 그에게 그만 먹으라고 요청할 수 없었다”라고 말했습니다.
flabbergasted adj. 크게 놀란 (=astonished)

she looks into a mirror she grimaces and comments on how ugly she is.
그녀는 거울을 보며 찡그린 얼굴을 하고 자신이 얼마나 못 생겼는지 논평합니다.
grimace [ grim-uhs, gri-meys ] v. 얼굴을 찡그리다

We developed what neuroscientists call mirror neurons.
우리는 신경 과학자들이 거울 뉴런이라고 부르는 것을 개발했습니다.
neuroscientist [ noor-oh-sahy-uhns, nyoor- ] n. 신경 과학자.

but over time they started unconsciously emulating, adapting to, and mirroring their leaders. Your teams will do the same.
그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 그들은 무의식적으로 지도자를 모방하고 적응하고 미러링 하기 시작했습니다. 당신의 팀도 똑같이 할 것입니다.
emulate [ˈemjuleɪt] v. (흠모하는 대상을) 모방하다 [따라가다]

I had to make emotional and highly charged (unpopular) decisions that in the short term were really going to fracture the lives of people.
나는 단기적으로 사람들의 삶을 정말로 파괴할 감정적이고 매우 부담스러운(인기 없는) 결정을 내려야 했습니다.
fracture [ˈfræktʃə(r)] v. 골절이 되다 [되게 하다], 파열[균열]되다 [시키다]

when he decided to pull out of Wal-Mart (and all retail) to focus his company on its direct-to-consumer model.
그가 월마트(및 모든 소매업)에서 철수하기로 결정했을 때 그의 회사는 소비자 직접 판매 모델에 집중했습니다.
pull out 옆으로 빠져나가다 [나오다]

Students were throwing their opinions at each other like a wild game of dodge ball.
학생들이 서로 자기 의견을 피구처럼 마구 던지고 있었습니다. 
dodge ball n. 피구, 도지볼

something about the knife and Juliet breaking patterns of female archetypes

여성 전형의 패턴을 깨는 칼과 줄리엣에 관한 것
archetype [ ahr-ki-tahyp ] n. 전형(典型)

What I do remember clearly was the real-life metamorphosis that happened before my eyes. This once inconspicuous caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.
제가 분명히 기억하는 것은 제 눈앞에서 일어난 실제 변화입니다. 한때 눈에 띄지 않던 애벌레가 나비로 변신했습니다.
metamorphosis [ met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis ] n. 탈바꿈, 변형, 변태 (=transformation)
inconspicuous [ in-kuhn-spik-yoo-uhs ] adj. 이목을 끌지 못하는, 눈에 잘 안 띄는

to transform that miraculous seed inside them into a bountiful harvest of results and productivity.
그 안에 있는 기적적인 씨앗을 풍부한 성과와 생산성으로 바꾸는 것입니다.
bountiful [ boun-tuh-fuhl ] 많은, 풍부한, 너그러운 (=generous)

His answer—which was only three words long— floored me.
세 단어에 불과한 그의 대답은 저를 곤혹스럽게 했습니다.

He could see I was perplexed
그는 내가 당황한 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.
perplexed [ per-plekst ] adj. (무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹한 [당혹스러운]

you’re simultaneously diminishing your ability to do what your real specialty needs to become:
당신의 진정한 전문 분야가 되기 위해 필요한 것을 수행하는 능력을 동시에 감소시키고 있습니다.
simultaneously 동시에

I handed her a check for a six-month severance
나는 그녀에게 퇴직금 6개월 수표를 건넸습니다.
severance [ˈsevərəns] 고용 계약 해지, 해고

A pro sports team culture elicits an entirely different attitude.
프로 스포츠 팀 문화는 완전히 다른 태도를 이끌어냅니다.
elicit [ ih-lis-it ] v. (정보·반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다

while the guests were mingling,
손님들이 어울리는 동안,
mingle v. 섞이다, 어우러지다; 섞다, 어우르다, (특히 사교 행사에서 사람들 사이를) 돌아다니다, (사람들과) 어울리다 (=circulate)

They’ll emulate you.
그들은 당신을 모방합니다.

emulate [ verb em-yuh-leyt ] v. (흠모하는 대상을) 모방하다 [따라가다]


you have left the indelible imprint of making a truly positive difference in someone’s life.
당신은 누군가의 삶에 진정으로 긍정적인 변화를 가져왔다는 지울 수 없는 흔적을 남겼습니다.
indelible [ɪnˈdeləbl] adj. 잊을 [지울] 수 없는 (=permanent), 지워지지 않는 (=permanent)
