Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 53~ page 70) 영어 단어, 표현 공부
that was the end of our haunted house experience right there.
haunt [ hawnt ] v. 귀신(유령)이 나타나다(출몰하다)
it was a little embarrassing when Mom did that,
embarrassing (ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ) adj. 난처한, 쑥스러운, 당혹스러운
The Crossland haunted house really got me thinking.
got me thinking 나를 생각하게 했다.
get someone ing 그냥 ..를 ~하게 하다
get someone to 설득해서 ..를 ~하게 하다
Those guys were charging five bucks a pop,
a pop ..개 당 for each one
the line stretched halfway around the school.
stretch [ strech ] v. 늘이다, 늘어나다
I had to bring Rowley in on the deal,
on the deal 상호 이익을 위한 거래란 뜻이 있으며, 문장 해석을 하면 서로의 이익을 위해 Rowley를 불러들여야 했다.
Mom wouldn’t let me convert our first floor into a full-out haunted mansion.
convert [ verb kuhn-vurt; noun kon-vurt ]
v. 전환시키다 (개조하다)
full-out 전면적인, 총력을 기울인, 본격적인
with maximum effort or speed
I don’t mean to brag or anything, but what we came up with was way better than the Crossland High School haunted house.
brag [ brag ] v. (심하게) 자랑하다 (떠벌리다)
way better 훨씬 낫다.
far better or a lot better
we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing,
get the word out 말을 퍼트리다
If you get the word out, you inform or let people or the public know about something.
made up a bunch of flyers.
flyer [ flahy-er ] n. (광고.안내용) 전단
we had to cut some corners from our original plan.
cut corners (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차(원칙 등)을 무시(생략)하다
If you cut corners, you save time, money, or effort by not following the correct procedure or rules for doing something.
When 3:00 rolled around, 3시가 되었을 때
roll around 도착하다, 일어나다
to arrive or happen again
kids waiting in line outside Rowley’s basement.
in line 일렬로 서다
I know our flyers said admission was fifty cents,
admission [ ad-mish-uhn ] n. 입장료
I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
make a killing 갑자기 큰 돈을 벌다(크게 한몫 잡다)
If you make a killing, you make a large profit very quickly and easily.
the fifty-cent thing was just a typo.
typo [ tahy-poh ] n. 오자, (단어. 숫자 등을 잘못 쓰는) 실수
The first kid to cough up his two bucks was Shane Snella.
cough up (특히 돈을 마지못해) 내놓다 (토해 내다)
If you cough up an amount of money, you pay or spend that amount, usually when you would prefer not to.
squeal [ skweel ] v. (꺄악) 하는 소리를 내다
Shane curled up in a ball underneath the bed.
curl up 동그랗게 말리다/말다
curl [ kurl ] v. (몸을) 웅크리다
We tried to get him to crawl out from under there,
crawl out 살금살금 나오다
crawl [ krawl ] v. (엎드려) 기다
this kid clogging up the Hall of Screams,
clog up 꽉 막다
clog [ klog, klawg ] v. 막다, 막히다
get our haunted house cranking again.
crank [ krangk ] v. 움직이다. 가동시키다
Rowley’s dad wasn’t really in a helpful mood.
in a helpful mood 도움이 되는 기분. 분위기
in a mood 기분이 좋지 않은 : to feel unhappy or angry
ex) Just leave her on her own when she’s in a mood.
All we had time to put together was the Hall of Screams and the Lake of Blood,
put together (이것 저것 모아) 만들다 / 준비하다
준비하기 위해 가졌던 모든 시간은 비명의 홀과 피의 호수였다.
we really were running a legitimate operation,
legitimate [ adjective, noun li-jit-uh-mit; verb li-jit-uh-meyt ] adj. 합법적인
And to make a long story short,
간단히 말하자면,
So at leat we cleared two bucks today.
clear 수익을 올리다.
(of money, profits, etc) without deduction; net
He’s not allowed to have me over at his house during that time.
have somebody over 누군가를 집으로 초대하다.
I felt kind of bad for Rowley.
feel bad .. 마음에 걸리다. 기분이 상하다.
I tried to make it up to him.
make it up 보상하다, 만회하다
I did a play-by-play over the phone
play-by-play (스포츠) 실황 중계
A play-by-play is a commentary on a sports game or other event that describes every part of it in great detail.
Look at the size of that flamethrower.
flamethrower 화염방사기
I did my best to keep up with what was going on on the screen,
do my best 최선을 다하다
keep up 따라가다
Rowley’s grounding is finally over, and just in time for Halloween, too.
be over 끝나다
in time 제 시간에
* in time 그것보단 좀 더 일찍, ‘그 시간 내에’
* on time 딱! 계획된 시간 ‘정시에’
His knight outfit came with a helmet and a shield and a real sword and everything.
come with ..이 딸려 있다.
(come with something) to be provided together with something
I’ve never had a store-bought costume before.
store-bought adj. 상점에서 산, 기성품의
Store-bought products are sold in stores, rather than being made at home.
costume [ noun kos-toom, -tyoom; verb ko-stoom, -styoom ] n. 의상(분장, 변장)
I’ll probably just throw something together at the last minute.
throw something together ..을 서둘러 준비하다
If you throw something together, for example a meal or a costume, you make it quickly and not very carefully.
at at the last minute. 마지막 순간에, 임박해서
it’s supposed to rain tomorrow night,
be supposed to ..(이미 알고 있는 지식에 의거하여 …일 것이라고) 생각되다, 추정[추측]되다(추측)
generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so.
the grown-ups in my neighborhood have been getting cranky about my lame costumes,
grown-up n. 성인 A grown-up is an adult; used by or to children.
cranky [ krang-kee ] adj. 짜증을 내는
lame [ leym ] adj. 변변찮은 (slang) out of touch with modern fads or trends; unsophisticated
I’m in charge of planning out the best route
in charge of ..을 맡아서, 담당해서
I was seriously thinking about going as a cowboy for the second year in a row.
in a row (며칠. 몇 달. 몇 년 등을) 계속해서, (연이어)
and covered him up in all this reflective tape.
reflective [ ri-flek-tiv ] adj. 빛을 반사하는
and she replaced his sword with a glow stick.
a glow stick n. 야광봉
I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.
there is a catch 속셈이 있다.
meaning that there is a certain condition
Mam was telling Dad he had to go along with us to make sure we didn’t step foot outside our neighborhood.
go along with 찬성하다, 동조하다
If you go along with a person or an idea, you agree with them.
Dad tried to squirm out of it,
squirm [ skwurm ] vi. (초조, 불편하여 몸을) 꿈틀(꼼지락) 대다.
squirm out of it. ..부터 벗어나다, 해방되다.
squirm out of it it means ‘to wriggle out of it’
To disentangle oneself from some situation, duty, or responsibility, especially through sly, devious, or cunning means.
Before we even got out of our own driveway, we ran into our neighbor Mr. Mitchell and his kid Jeremy.
get out of ..에서 나오다,
run into ..와 우연히 만나다.
Manny and Jeremy wouldn’t trick-or-treat at any houses with spooky decorations on them,
spooky [ spoo-kee ] adj. 으스스한, 귀신이 나올 것 같은
so that ruled out pretty much every house on our block.
rule out v. 제외시키다, 배제하다
and every time one of them wanted to make a point,
make a point 주장(생각)을 밝히디, 주장(변명)이 정당함을 보여주다.
page 68
because that meant me and Rowley could take off.
take off (특히 서둘러) 떠나다
Rowley told me he needed a “potty break.”
potty n. 유아용 변기
potty break 화장실 가는 것
a time when you stop what you are doing, especially when driving a car, so that you can use the toilet
I make him hold off for another forty-five minutes.
hold off 미루다(연기하다)
But by the time we got to my gramma’s house,
by the time ..할 때쯤
used for saying what has already happened at the time that something else happens
I was gonna start helping myself to his candy.
help oneself to (음식물 따위)를 마음대로 집어먹다, 자유로이 먹다.
this pickup truck came roaring down the street with a bunch of high school kids in it.
pickup truck 소형 오픈 트럭
come roaring down 굉음을 내며 내려오다
The kid in the back was holding a fire extinguisher,
fire extinguisher 소화기
I have to give Rowley credit,
give someone credit 공로를 인정하다
all our candy would have gotten soaked.
soak [ sohk ] v. 흠뻑 적시다
When the truck drove away, I yelled out something
drive away (차를 몰고(타고) 떠나다)
yell out 외치다, 고함치다
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