Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 71~ page 83) 영어 단어, 표현 공부
The driver slammed on the brakes and he turned his truck around.
slam [ slam ] v. 세게(힘껏) 놓다 (밀다/던지다)
slam on the brakes 급브레이크를 밟다
to press down hard on the brakes of a car to make it stop suddenly He slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the other car.
but those guys were right on our heels.
right on our heels (발 뒤꿈치 까지) 매우 가까이 따라왔다.
right on someone’s heels : following someone very closely;
so we cut through a couple backyards to get there.
cut through 가로지르다
to go straight through
I tried to trick them into leaving,
trick into 속여서 ..하게 하다.
That’s when we started getting cocky, making monkey noises at the teenagers and whatnot.
cocky [ kok-ee ] adj. 자만심에 찬
whatnot [ hwuht-not ] n. …인가 뭔가 (이름을 모르거나 정확하지 않은 무엇을 가리킬 때 씀)
I called Mom to tell her we were going to crash at Gramma’s for the night.
crash at 잠을 자다
INFORMAL to sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this
You can crash at my place if you like.
she said it was a school night,
school night n. (학교 가야 하는 전날 밤) 내일 학교 가는 날
the evening before a day when children have to go to school. Adults also use this expression informally to describe the evening before a day when they have to get up to go to work.
we had to get home right that instant.
우리는 바로 즉시 집으로 가야만 했다.
this instant (idiom) right now , immediately 뜻 (Merriam-Webster 사전 참조)
So that meant we were gonna have to make a run for it.
make a run for it. 필사적으로 (급히) 도망치다.
those guys were hiding somewhere and were just trying to draw us out.
draw us out 우리를 끌어내다.
draw someone or something out (of some place) means to pull someone or something (out of a place).
So we snuck out the back door, hopped over Gramma’s fence,
sneak out (of some place) 슬그머니 도망치다 to go out of a place quietly and in secret.
hop over ..를 뛰어넘다.
ran all the way to Snake Road.
all the way 완전히, 온 힘을 다해 as much as possible or completely
without having a truckload of teenagers hunting you down.
truckload [ truhk-lohd ] n. 트럭 한 대 분량(의 화물)
we made it all the way home without getting caught.
make it 성공하다
informal to be successful in doing something
Neither one of us let our guard down
let our guard down 긴장을 풀다
If you lower your guard, let your guard down, or drop your guard, you relax when you should be careful and alert, often with unpleasant consequences.
splash [ splash ] v. (물, 흙탕물 등을) 끼얹다[튀기다]
Man, I forgot all about Dad, and we totally paid the price for it.
we paid the price for it. 우리는 그것에 대한 대가를 치렀다.
‘Pay the Price’ means to suffer the consequences of someone’s actions.
The only things we could salvage were a couple of mints that were wrapped in cellophane,
salvage [ sal-vij ] vt. 구조하다
I’ll just stay home and mooch some Butterfingers from the bowl Mom keeps on top of the refrigerator.
mooch [ mooch ] v. 얻어 먹어야 겠다.
to get or take without paying or at another's expense
It got rolled with toilet paper last night,
roll [ rohl ] v. (둥글게) 말다(감다)
But on the bright side, Gramma is retired,
on the bright side 긍정적으로 생각하다
retire [ ri-tahyuhr ] v. 은퇴하다
professional wrestling 프로레슬러
So Mr. Underwood might as well have set off a bomb.
set off a bomb 폭탄을 터트리다.
If something sets off something such as an alarm or a bomb, it makes it start working so that, for example, the alarm rings or the bomb explodes.
if I don’t want to get twisted into a pretzel for the next month and a half,
twisted adj. (형체가) 뒤틀린, 일그러진
twisted into (a pretzel) 프레첼 처럼 뒤틀리다
to change or distort something into something else, as if by twisting.
pretzel n. 프레첼(매듭·막대 모양의 짭짤한 비스킷. 흔히 파티에서 안주로 냄)
I was really starting to get the hang of it.
get the hang of it. 숙달이 되어 가다.
If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it.
In fact, the other kids in my class had better look out,
in fact 사실, 실제로
had better 조동사
(~하는 것이) 좋을 것이다 (꼭 그래야 함을 뜻 함) ought to: used to express compulsion, obligation, etc
look out 조심해라
it was all over for Preston.
be all over 모든 것이 끝나다
like it was the end for Preston, it’s basically expressing that it was embarrassing so it’s something that he won’t get over (or at least for a while) and that his reputation is ruined
pee mud 오줌 진흙
we have to wear these things called “singlets,”
singlet 싱글렛, 레슬링에서 경기할 때 착용하는 유니폼
there are no pile drivers
pile drivers 말뚝 박는 기계 / 상대편을 들어 올린 뒤 머리부터 링 바닥으로 내던지는 레슬링 기술의 일종.
he could demonstrate some wrestling holds,
demonstrate [ dem-uhn-streyt ] v. 보여주다, 설명하다
wrestling holds 레슬링 경기 안에서 상대방을 못 움직이게 하는 기술
n. a way of holding someone in the sport of wrestling
but that’s where the girls were doing their gymnastics unit.
gymnastics [ jim-nas-tiks ] n. 체조
Mr. Underwood singled me out,
single someone out ..를 뽑다, 고르다, 지목하다
If you single someone out from a group, you choose them and give them special attention or treatment.
he could toss me around without straining himself.
toss someone around ..를 내던지다.
to throw someone or something from one position to another.
strain [ streyn ] v. (근육 등을) 혹사하다 (무리하게 사용하다), 염좌(좌상)를 입다.
straining oneself 무리를 하다(하여 건강을 해치다), 과로하다
half nelson 목 누르기
n. a wrestling hold in which a wrestler places an arm under one of an opponent's arms from behind and exerts pressure with the palm on the back of the opponent's neck
reversal n. (정반대로) 뒤바꿈, 전환, 반전, 역전
reversal in wrestling 수비 위치에서 빠져나와 상대를 제어할 때
when the athlete who on the bottom and in the defensive position, comes out from under and gains control over his opponent.
takedown n. (레슬링에서) 상대 선수를 재빨리 쓰러뜨리기
fireman’s carry (레슬링에서) 상대 선수를 순간적으로 매다 꽂는 기술
I felt a breeze down below, and I could tell my singlet wasn’t doing a good job keepking me covered up.
breeze [ breez ] n. 산들바람, 미풍
I felt a breeze down below 방귀가 나왔다 (유니폼 아래로 방귀가 나오는 걸 산들바람으로 표현 했네요..^^)
In that particular sentence I "felt breeze down below" refers to fart , as breeze image fart that comes from down below underneath of singlet.
I thanked my lucky starts the girls were on the other side of the gym.
여자애들이 체육관 다른 쪽에 있었던 거에 대해 너무 나도 감사했다.
thank my lucky starts means to be very grateful for something
I would have traded for Benny Wells in a heartbeat.
in a heartbeat 생각해 볼 것도 없이 당장
Greg, You’ll be paired up with Fregley here.
pair up (with somebody) (일. 게임 등을 하기 위해) (~와) 짝을 이루다. (~와) 짝을 지어 주다.
because he pinned me every which way you could imagine.
pin v. (잡거나 밀어붙여) 꼼짝 못하게 하다.
If someone pins you to something, they press you against a surface so that you cannot move.
every which way 사방으로
every which way is used to emphasize that things move in a lot of different directions or are arranged in a lot of different positions.
I spent my seventh period getting way more familiar with Fregley than I ever wanted to be.
period n. (학교의 일과를 나눠 놓은) 시간
way more 훨씬 더 a lot more. an increased amount than the original
TWEET n. 짹짹 (작은 새가 우는 소리)
To make a short sharp sound like a small bird.
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