
The Testament 존 그리샴의 법정 소설 CHAPTER 14 단어모음

영어꾸러기 2021. 12. 4. 14:00

Chapter 14

slight injuries at first, he’d thought, but their severity had increased during the night.
처음에는 (무릎이) 약간 다친 정도로만 생각했었는데, 밤새 그것이 악화된 모양이었다. 

severity [ suh-ver-i-tee ] n. 통렬함, 격렬함

the owner of the boat, a notorious tightwad who had initially demanded a thousand reais per week. 
배 임자는 아주 악질적인 구두쇠라서 처음에는 일주일에 1천 레알을 요구하기도 했다. 

tightwad tahyt-wod ] n. 구두쇠

The heavy, sticky heat wafted in through the open glass doors.
열린 유리문을 통해 답답하고 끈적끈적한 공기가 밀려들었다. 

waft [ waft ] v. 퍼지다

Evidently she had been a beautiful woman, and naive in her small-town upbringing
그녀는(Evelyn) 아름다웠던 것이 틀림없었다. 또 소도시에서 자랐기 때문에 순진하기까지 했던 모양이다. 

upbringing [ uhp-bring-ing ] n. 양육, 훈육

With the cruelty that is peculiar to small towns, Evelyn found herself an outcast among the people she most needed.
소도시 특유의 잔인함 때문에, Evelyn은 그녀가 가장 필요로 하는 사람들로부터 버림받았다. 

peculiar [ pi-kyool-yer ] adj. 특유한 (고유한/독특한)

outcast out-kast, -kahst ] n. 따돌림 받는 사람


The rumors became sporadic but never went away.
소문은 간헐적으로 잦아들었지만, 절대 사라지지는 않았다. 

sporadic [ spuh-rad-ik ] adj. 산발적인, 이따금 발생하는 

The obituary and the story of her death in the local paper found their way to Troy’s office in New Jersey,
지방 신문에 실린 그녀의 부고와 사망 경위는 New Jersey에 있는 트로이의 사무실까지 전달되었다. 

obituary [ oh-bich-oo-er-ee ] n. (신문에 실리는) 사망 기사

Jevy yelled at two of them, and they retorted with something humorous.
Jevy가 두 사람에게 고함을 질렀다. 그러자 두 사람도 농담으로 대꾸했다. 

retort [ ri-tawrt ] v. 대꾸하다

영어문장 3회 반복

0:05 severity  n. 통렬함, 격렬함
0:25 tightwad  n. 구두쇠
0:48 waft  v. 퍼지다
01:08 upbringing  n. 양육, 훈육
01:27 peculiar  adj. 특유한 (고유한/독특한)
        outcast  n. 따돌림 받는 사람
01:55 sporadic  adj. 산발적인, 이따금 발생하는 
02:10 obituary  n. (신문에 실리는) 사망 기사
02:33 retort v. 대꾸하다
