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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 151 ~ Page 170)

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 151 ~ Page 170)

영어 단어, 표현 공부

PAGE 151
so she confiscated ALL my cash
그래서 엄마는 내 돈을 모두 몰수했다.
confiscate [ verb kon-fuh-skeyt ] v. 몰수[압수] 하다

Mom was mad that I tried to put one over on her like that
엄마는 내가 그렇게 속이려고 해서 화가 나셨다.
put one over on someone 속이다
: informal. Deceive (someone) into accepting something false.

But I got that out of the way before dinner.
하지만 저녁 먹기 전에 해치웠다.
get something out of the way 처리하다, 끝내다
: to finish doing something, especially something difficult or unpleasant.

PAGE 153
FWANK 이모 안녕하세요!

PAGE 154
I heard him cursing Uncle Joe under his breath
나는 아빠가 작은 소리로 삼촌을 욕하는 것을 들었다.
under one’s breath 작은 목소리로
: in a very quiet voice; almost inaudibly.

PAGE 155
Dad gave Uncle Joe this big speech about the 150th Regiment
아버지는 삼촌 조에게 150 연대에 대한 연설을 하셨다.
Regiment [ rej-uh-muhnt ] n. (군대의) 연대

PAGE 156
Dad went upstairs and turned up the thermostat until it got stuffy
아빠는 위층으로 올라가서 숨이 막힐 때까지 온도 조절기를 틀었다.
thermostat [ thur-muh-stat ] n. 온도 조절 장치
stuffy adj. (환기가 안 되어) 답답한

PAGE 158
because they said I was Rodrick’s "accomplice. "
날 로드릭의 '공범자'라고 했다.
accomplice [ uh-kom-plis ]n. 공범자

Mom and Dad have been all over Rodrick’s case ever since they found out about his party.
엄마 아빠는 Rodrick의 파티 발견 이후 Rodrick에게 잔소리를 하신다.
be on someone’s case 를 괴롭히다
: to bother or nag someone

Making Rodrick get out of bed early is a pretty big blow to him
Rodrickd을 일찍 침대에서 일어나게 하는 것은 그에게 꽤 큰 타격이다.
big blow 큰 충격

PAGE 159
So I guess you gotta give this round to Rodrick.
Rodrick은 이번 라운드에서 승리한 것으로 판정되었다.
Rodrick has been adjuged to have won the present round
from WordReference.com

PAGE 163
But at least Grandpa is up front about it.
그래도 할아버지는 떳떳하시다.
up front
: If you are up front about something, you act openly or publicly so that people know what you are doing or what you believe.

PAGE 164
"watercress salad, "
watercress [ waw-ter-kres, wot-er- ] n. 물냉이

PAGE 165
I had to sit there and choke down every bite
거기에 앉아서 매 한입마다 힘겹게 삼켜야 했다.
choke something down (choke down)
~을 힘겹게 삼키다
: to swallow with difficulty

PAGE 170
I caught heat from Mom
엄마한테 혼났다.
catch the heat
: To get into trouble with somebody

that’s why I was only allowed to watch G-rated movies
그래서 G등급 영화만 볼 수 있었다.
G-rated movies 전체 관람가

