Being Erica S01E08
I'm gonna make you breakfast for a change.
for a change : instead of what usually happens
기분 전환으로 아침식사 만들어 주려고
You'll be fasting with us tomorrow, right?
You'll be fasting : to voluntarily reduce or eliminate your intake of food for a specific time and purpose.
내일 우리와 함께 단식할 거지..?
No can do, my boss put the ix-nay on taking the day off.
ixnay : to reject or put a stop to (something)
안 되겠어요, 하루 휴가 얻겠다고 하니까 제 상사가 퇴짜 놨어요
You've totally lost me.
You've lost me : I don't understand or cannot follow what you are saying; I am confused or bewildered.
제가 정말로 이해할 수 없게 말씀하시네요.
I would kill for a cup of coffee right now.
I'd kill for : it's a phrase for desire
“I’d kill for a coffee right now” = i really really want a coffee right now. It means (as an exaggeration)
/ from Hinative.com /
지금 당장 커피 한 잔을 마시고 싶군요
I used to get really bent out of shape about it.
get bent out of shape : become angry, agitated
예전에는 (부모님에 대해) 나도 화가 나고 했었는데
Every sin, every slip up is another opportunity to grow.
모든 죄와 모든 오차는 성장해 가는 또 다른 기회이다.
They give us the chance to change the things we can
우리가 바꿀 수 있는 것들에 기회를 주고
and to accept the things we can't.
바꿀 수 없는 것들을 인정하도록 해 준다.
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