Page 3
He was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf.
potbellied : having a large, round stomach that sticks out.
그는 일종의 배불뚝이 난쟁이였다.
Page 5
These horrible crooks So different in looks were none the less equally mean.
crook : INFORMAL.
a person who is dishonest or a criminal.
nonetheless : in spite of what has just been said
이 끔찍한 사기꾼들은 생김새는 너무 달랐지만 똑같이 비열했다.
Page 7
Mr Fox would creep down into the valley in the darkness of the night and help himself.
creep : move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.
help oneself : to serve or provide oneself with (food, etc.)
폭스 씨는 밤의 어둠 속에서 계곡으로 살금살금 내려가 식량을 조달했습니다.
Page 9
Bean picked his nose delicately with a long finger.
pick : to remove or move something with your fingers or hands
빈은 긴 손가락으로 그의 코를 섬세하게 후비었다.
Page 10
I can smell those goons a mile away.
goon : a stupid, foolish, or eccentric person.
1마일 밖에서도 놈들의 냄새를 맡을 수 있다.
Bunce reeks of goose-livers,
reek : smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.
거위 간 냄새가 나는 번스는,
Page 12
Mr Fox flattened his body against the ground and lay very still, his ears pricked.
prick : (especially of a horse or dog) make (the ears) stand erect when on the alert.
Fox 씨는 땅에 몸을 납작하게 대고 가만히 누워 귀를 쫑긋 세웠다.
The wood was murky and very still.
murky : dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.
숲은 어둡고 매우 조용했다.
Page 13
lay the poor tattered bloodstained remains of . . . a fox’s tail.
tattered : old and torn; in poor condition.
피가 묻고 잘려진 여우꼬리의 잔해가 놓여있었다.
Page 14
Bean pulled a flask from his pocket and took a swig of cider.
flask : a container for liquids.
swig : drink in large gulps.
빈은 주머니에서 플라스크(납작한 병)를 꺼내 사과주를 한 모금 마셨다.
‘I reckon there’s a whole family of them down that hole,’ Bunce said.
reckon : to consider or have the opinion that something is as stated
'나는 그 구멍 아래에 온 가족이 있다고 생각한다.'라고 Bunce는 말했다.
Page 15
Mrs Fox was tenderly licking the stump of Mr Fox’s tail to stop the bleeding.
stump : A stump is a small part of something that remains when the rest of it has been removed or broken off.
폭스 부인은 피를 멈추기 위해 폭스 씨의 꼬리 끝을 부드럽게 핥고 있었다.
He looked very glum.
glum : disappointed or unhappy, and quiet
그는 매우 침울해 보였다.
Page 17
Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch went the shovels above their heads.
scrunch : the act or sound of scrunching
그들의 머리 위로 삽질 소리가 지나갔다.
Page 18
It sloped steeply downward.
slope : (of a surface or line) be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down.
그것은 아래쪽으로 가파르게 경사졌다.
Page 21
The tiny Bunce trotted after him.
go or walk briskly.
작은 번스가 그의 뒤를 따라 빠르게 걸어갔다.
Page 22
Soon, two enormous caterpillar tractors with mechanical shovels on their front ends came clanking into the wood.
caterpillar tractors : a brand name for a heavy vehicle fitted with a Caterpillar track.
곧, 앞쪽 끝에 기계 삽이 달린 두 대의 거대한 트랙터가 숲 속으로 덜커덕거리며 들어왔다.
The big tree under which Mr Fox had dug his hole in the first place was toppled like a matchstick.
topple : to lean forward and fall
폭스 씨가 애초에 구멍을 파놓았던 큰 나무는 성냥개비처럼 쓰러졌다.
Page 27
‘You’ll never come prowling aroundmy farm again!’
prowl : to move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard
다시는 내 농장 주변을 배회하지 못할 거야!'
The fat Boggis was hopping about like a dervish and shouting,
dervish : a member of a Muslim religious group that has an energetic dance as part of its worship:
뚱뚱한 보기스는 데르비시처럼 깡충깡충 뛰며 소리쳤다.
Page 28
The people jeered and laughed.
jeer : make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.
사람들은 조롱하고 웃었다.
But this only made the three farmers more furious and more obstinate
obstinate : firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose
그러나 이것은 세 명의 농부를 더욱 격분시키고 더 완고하게 만들 뿐이었다
Page 30
‘Down you go, you miserable midget!’
midget : offensive term for someone who is much smaller than average
'저리 가, 이 비참한 난쟁이야!'
Page 40
the whole place was teeming with chickens
teeming : completely full, especially with living things
온통 닭으로 가득 차 있었다
Page 42
Tell her the rest of us will be along in a jiffy,
in a jiffy : you will do it very quickly or very soon.
엄마에게 나머지 우리도 곧 따라올 거라고 전해라.
Page 45
They knew they were going to have a whacking great feast
very large.
어마어마한 성대한 만찬이 벌어질 것이었다.
made them churgle with laughter every time they thought of it.
churgle : It's not a common word and I think was made up by the author Roald Dahl.
Churgle is probably a combination of chortle (a slight laugh) and gurgle (a bubbling sound in the throat).
그것이 생각날 때마다 그들은 낄낄거리며 웃었다.
Page 46
a long black pointed furry face.
furry : covered with fur.
길고 검은색의 털을 가진 얼굴
‘Badger!’ cried Mr Fox.
Badger : animal that lives in ground.
"오소리!" 폭스 씨가 외쳤다.
Page 47
That’s me and Mole and Rabbit and all our wives and children. Even Weasel,
Mole 두더지
Weasel 족제비
저와 두더지, 토끼 그리고 모든 아내와 아이들, 족제비조차도,
Page 48
We’ve got chickens galore!
galore : in large numbers or amounts
우리는 믾은 닭들을 가지고 있어요!
Page 51
I’ve hit it smack on the nose! Right in the bull’s-eye!
on the nose : exactly on target
Hit the bull's-eye : to be exactly correct.
정확한 위치에 도달했어!
Page 52
dangling from the rafters, Pretty good grub!
dangle : to hang loosely
rafter : any of the large, sloping pieces of wood that support a roof
서까래에 매달려 있는, 꽤 좋은 음식!
Page 54
the ravenously hungry Badger sprang forward to grab the luscious food.
ravenously : very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification
굶주린 오소리는 맛있는 음식을 잡으려고 앞으로 뛰어내렸다.
Page 55
‘Don’t be a twerp,’ said Mr Fox.
twerp : a stupid person
'바보처럼 굴지 마.' 폭스 씨가 말했다.
Page 56
Soon, all this lovely loot was lying in a neat heap upon the floor.
loot : goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war.
heap : a collection of things thrown one on another : pile. : a great number or large quantity
곧, 이 모든 사랑스러운 전리품이 바닥에 가지런히 쌓였다.
Page 57
they grabbed a trolley each
trolley : A trolley is a small cart on wheels that you use to carry things such as shopping or luggage.
그들은 각각 카트 손잡이를 잡았다.
Page 58
‘My dear old furry frump,’ he said,
frump : a person whose appearance is considered dowdy or old-fashioned
'친애하는 늙은 털북숭이 촌스러운 친구'라고 그가 말했다.
Page 59
‘But we’re not going to stoop to their level.'
stoop : to bend the head and shoulders, or the body generally, forward and downward from an erect position
하지만 우리는 그들에 굴복하지 않을 것이다.
Page 65
The cider gurgled and bubbled down his throat.
gurgle : make a hollow bubbling sound like that made by water running out of a bottle.
사과주가 콸콸 소리를 내며 그의 목구멍으로 흘러 들어갔다.
‘You’re poaching!’ shrieked Rat.
poach : illegally hunt or catch (game or fish) on land that is not one's own or in contravention of official protection.
'밀렵꾼이야!' 쥐가 비명을 질렀다.
Page 71
You nearly got nabbed, didn’t you?
nab : catch (someone) doing something wrong.
하마터면 잡힐 뻔했잖아요, 그렇죠?
‘Poppycock!’ said Rat.
poppycock : INFORMAL
'허튼소리!' 쥐가 말했다.
Thieves!’ shrieked Rat. ‘Robbers! Bandits! Burglars!’
bandit : a robber, esp a member of a gang or marauding band.
도둑들!' 쥐가 비명을 질렀다. '도둑들! 노상강도! 강도들!
Page 72
‘What an impudent fellow Rat is.’
impudent : not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
'무례한 쥐새끼.'
Page 76
They were ravenous.
ravenous : extremely hungry.
그들은 매우 굶주렸다.
There was only the sound of crunching and chewing as the animals attacked the succulent food.
succulent : especially meat or vegetables, is juicy and good to eat
그곳엔 동물들이 맛있는 음식을 먹으며 내는 씹는 소리만이 있었다.
Page 78
by courtesy of Messrs Boggis, Bunce and Bean.
courtesy of : used for saying who provided something
Boggis, Bunce, Bean 씨의 호의로.
He let fly another colossal belch.
colossal : extremely large.
belch : emit gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth.
그는 또 다른 거대한 트림을 날렸다.
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