영어단어/윔피키드 다이어리 39

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 31 ~ Page 50)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 31 ~ Page 50) PAGE 31 He said the best part of his vacation was when they went on a river safari, 그는 휴가 중 가장 좋았던 부분이 리버 사파리를 갔을 때라고 말했다. go on : 추상적인 접촉의 개념으로 우리말에 ~위에(on) 오르다, ~길에 오르다 라는 방학, 휴가, 여행 등에 많이 사용. go to : 물리적인 도착의 개념으로 어떤 특별한 장소에 가다 and he showed me all these blurry pictures of birds and stuff. 그는 새와 물건의 흐릿한 사진들을 보여주었다. blurry [ blur-..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 12 ~ Page 30)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 12 ~ Page 30) 영어 단어, 표현 공부 PAGE 12 These days, Peter doesn’t raise his hand at ALL, and he’s pretty much a C student. 요즘 Peter는 손을 전혀 들지 않으며, 거의 C 학생이다. C student 성적이 부진한 학생 But it’s hard not to take credit whenever it comes up. 하지만, 그럴 때마다 공을 차지하지 않는 것은 어렵다. take credit 공을 차지하다 : To receive recognition, praise, or approval for something, PAGE 13..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 01 ~ Page 11)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 - Rodrick Rules (Page 01 ~ Page 11) 영어 단어, 표현 공부 Page 01 I better remember to keep this one locked up. 이걸 잠가두는 걸 기억해야겠다. locked up : 잠그다 : To lock something in a container or storage space Rodrick actually got a hold of my LAST journal a few weeks back Rodrick은 실제로 몇 주 전에 내 마지막 저널을 입수했다. get ahold of …을 잡다, …와 연결짓다, …을 입수하다 : to get possession of (something) a few wee..

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 151 ~ Page 217)

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 151 ~ Page 217) 00:15 page 151 pick on : to criticize, annoy, or punish someone repeatedly and unfairly 0:38 page 152 be up for : to want to do something 01:56 page 155 have (got) it made : to be certain to be successful 02:47 page 156 slack off : to release or ease the tension or pressure (on something) 03:25 page 157 have a shot at : To have a chance to..

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 101 ~ Page 150)

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 101 ~ Page 150) 01:04 page 103 pull something of : succeed in achieving it. 02:41 page 106 carve out : to make or create 04:33 page 109 stomach jump : being very nervous 05:10 page 110 hold over one’s head : to continually remind one of one's past mistakes, wrongdoings, or failures. 06:08 page 112 in the wings : ready to do something 06:38 page 113 knock ..

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 51 ~ Page 100)

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 51 ~ Page 100) 00:00 Page 51 look forward to : to fee pleased and excited about something that is going to happen have second thoughts move someone along : if they move you along, they tell you to stop standing in a particular place and to go 02:32 Page 54 get the word out : you inform or let people or the public know about something. 02:52 Page 55 cut co..

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 01 ~ Page 50)

[오디오북] Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 (Page 01 ~ Page 50) 00:26 page 01 clear up : find a satisfactory explanation for it right away : immediately. 05:51 page 02 come in handy : to be useful 01:30 page 03 be up to somebody : you must make the decision 01:41 page 04 might as well : used to suggest that someone should do something 03:14 page 06 be into : be interested come around : to start to accept..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 196 ~ page 217)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 196 ~ page 217) 영어 단어, 표현 공부 PAGE 196 Well, me and Rowley have officially been ex-friends for about a month now, officially (사실이 아닐지 모르지만 대중들에게) 공식(외부) 적으로 알려지기로 ex-friends 전 친구 ex- 접두사 and to be honest with you, I’m better off without him. be better off 형편이 더 낫다 : If you say that someone would be better off doing something, you are advising them to do it ..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 176 ~ page 195)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 176 ~ page 195) 영어 단어, 표현 공부 PAGE 176 The paper came out today at lunch time, come out 생산 (출간) 되다. : to come into public view : make a public appearancea new magazine has come out I decided to just play it cool for a while instead. play it cool 냉정 (침착)하게 대처하다 : If you play it cool, you deliberately behave in a calm, unemotional way because you do not want ..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 156~ page 175)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 1 윔피 키드 (page 156~ page 175) 영어 단어, 표현 공부 PAGE 156 I’ve kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol. slack off 게으름을 부리다 (태만해지다) So I was psyched. psyched adj. (특히 곧 있을 일에 대해) 들뜬 (흥분한) : excited // We're so psyched about this new project. Our goal is to get into the “Guinness Book of World Records.” get into ..에 들어가다, 타다, (목적지 따위)에 도착하다 PAGE 157 But every tim..
